Philosophy Spirituality

Compassion Cures Insecurity (Tomorrow You Rot)

Underneath you’re just meat

Cut the head off and the meat rots


No matter how rich one is — cut the head off and it rots

No matter how attractive one is — cut the head off and it rots

No matter how virtuous one is — cut the head off and it rots

No matter how successful one is — cut the head off and it rots


Compassion cures insecurity

Everyone you see is basically rotting already

Everyone is currently enjoying a COUNTDOWN TO ROT


This much you share in common for CERTAIN

with the disgusting bum sleeping under the tree

with the bright Hollywood star

with the most successful man in the world

with the most desired women

with everyone around you and everyone you ever meet


Perhaps you share even more

Like suffering

Failure to satisfy

Frantic pursuit of satisfaction, pleasure


Compassion cures insecurity

You’re insecure because deep down you believe others are a threat to you

You want to be bigger so that they can’t harm you

Experience of insecurity is experience of doubt over one’s ability to SURVIVE in this world… let alone thrive


Well they can’t harm you when they’re rotting in the ground


Nor can they harm you when you’re fucking rotting in the ground

There’s nothing more they can take from you

They could piss on your rotting corpse — but you wouldn’t care! You couldn’t smell it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t conceive of it


Compassion cures insecurity

This is of course easier said than done

It’s because your insecurity runs so deep

So deep that you’re not even aware of it

If you were — then you wouldn’t be buying that stupid fancy car — knowing how utterly ineffectual it’s going to be at making you feel any bit more confident

Even in looking at that object of desire with any hint of craving — is already to betray yourself, give up on your power in favour of the world’s false approval


But compassion does cure insecurity

This is why SHARING with others and HELPING OTHERS and TAKING OTHERS UP — helps you and takes you up

Convincing yourself how compassionate you are is as good as convincing yourself how great you are. It fails utterly

But ACTING compassionately — GIVING, TAKING OTHERS UP, LISTENING — is what is true act of compassion, therefore the only true sign of compassion

Just like ACTING courageously — by DOING that thing which you wanted to do, DOING that right thing, irrespective of your doubts and weaknesses and strife — is what true confidence looks like


Therefore give


And besides remember that underneath all of you are just meat

So treat everyone equally

If you make a habit of treating the lowest of men well — it becomes easier to treat the highest of men NORMALLY

To view highest of men NORMALLY

Without distortions of your own insecurities and desires


It doesn’t hurt to repeat this like a mantra, superficial as it is

To see the mortal flesh of the other person

Conceive of their imminent demise

Consider all their problems, their secret and less secret suffering

Consider everything you share

Even be compassionate and understanding of their own hostility. Of course they didn’t mean it. They are scared just like you are


Finally, love

You’re all rotting tomorrow, so might as well get some love

Your failures are REALLY not so important — tomorrow you rot

But if you can love today — that is important

That is worth it