
Complaining vs Changing vs Accepting

There’s complaining

There’s making changes

There’s accepting


There’s complaining = merely expressing dissatisfaction

There’s making changes = taking responsibility and changing the dissatisfying

There’s accepting = accepting the situation, whether changed or not changed


Of course complaining is not accepting

And of course complaining is not making changes

But it can be confused

Your vehement protests, you smashing the table with your fist, your passionate tears, you getting poetically drunk — all this nonsense is just you making a show

A show of showing to yourself and the world that you are AWARE (of the dissatisfying),

And likely a show of showing to yourself and the world that you MEAN BUSINESS (change of the dissatisfying)


But a show is just a show. An APPEARANCE. And NOT the real thing.

Therefore distraction

Therefore it PREVENTS you from ACTUALLY concluding the issue

Which you would conclude by either MAKING CHANGES — or ACCEPTING IT

And you can do either — and without a single complaint

Without any gratuitous passion

Quietly and calmly

Quietly and calmly SEE the problem

In SEEING IT — you already ARE accepting it,

And then you can DECIDE TO CHANGE IT — or not

And then you change it — or not

And you accept either outcome

You make peace with either outcome

Whether it’s the changes you made, or changes you decided to not make, or even changes you failed to make

You make peace

It’s all very calm


Don’t get distracted by emotional and theatrical show

The million complaints you have with something are no substitute for actually becoming FULLY AWARE OF THE MATTER

You either understand something or not — the million things you can say about that thing are NOT THE understanding of that thing

Don’t get distracted with nonsense and appearances and false zeal


Understand, quietly

Accept, completely

Then act or not act

And whatever you did or did not do — accept that too
