Disconnection with one’s feelings is not composure. To be composed is to have profound awareness of feelings — then transcend.
One who doesn’t understand feelings is not composed. Apathetic one is not cool and not intelligent and NOT composed.
Feelings, sensations, emotions, urges, motivations – RUN the mind; When you negate them and deny them — they only have more control over you
Wise one is profoundly aware of his feelings — and can therefore work with them, and beyond them
Negation or repression only leads to the opposite: confusion, perversion and suffering
Please be deeply connected to your feelings.
It’s only what you’re intimate with that you can control
Calmness and composure and “groundedness” emerges from the place of emotional maturity
Feel fully
Let the feeling be felt,
Let the feeling communicate it’s message to you
Receive it, understand it
THEN know peace