
Compounding and Growing…

it’s not that this or that “compounds

everything compounds


what you set to move — moves

what you set to grow — grows

what you leave to deteriorate — deteriorates

what you let fall — falls


we had known compounding for centuries

“you reap what you sow”


don’t think so much about compounding, like it’s some magic trick

just think about letting things grow


don’t think so much about compounding, like it’s some magic trick

just stop bleeding

bleeding out your resources





drop your energy on the fertile soil

place your wealth in the fertile ground

nourish with love that which reciprocates


this is all you have to know about compounding

“taking care of your future” is just taking care of the now

letting all thing grow, now


this also dissolves the problem of “living now” vs “making the future better”

because there is no such problem

to live well now is to grow, and let grow

and to grow is to yield a beautiful tomorrow


let grow