Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality


Energy is as potent as it is CONCENTRATED.


If you have energy pulling in all directions — then you’re going nowhere.

You have some energy pulling you right and some energy pulling you left and as a result you move a little left and then you move a little right again, and ultimately, you barely moved at all. And you only wasted energy.


If your energy is focused then it cuts like a knife. It’s sharp. All the force is concentrated therefore it penetrates the surface. And it’s very efficient, it’s surgical.


I’m not necessarily referring to MACRO, or even multitasking.

Macro: I do believe one can do many things in life.

Likewise “multitasking” is a bit of an arbitrary label. Things you do comprise of sub-things you do, i.e. doing most things actually involves a degree of multitasking, managing multiple threads at once.

Fancy words.

The word we are looking for all this time is just the word “CONCENTRATION”.

You not “multitasking” or “focusing only on one goal at a time” is NO GUARANTEE of you ACTUALLY mastering the ART OF CONCENTRATION.

Yes, distracting oneself is obviously the opposite of concentration. But NOT distracting oneself is not yet CONCENTRATION.

Here I am referring to something deeper, which indeed starts with energy and indeed manifests in focused action — but more crucially requires psychological, SPIRITUAL COHERENCE.


Energy is as potent as it is concentrated, and it is as concentrated as it is coherent.

Energy is coherent when various energies are aligned.

Therefore there will obviously be the energy of what you do.

But then there will be the energy of your mental focus.

And then there will be the energy of your emotions.

And then there will be the energy of your will.

And then there will also be the energy, the momentum of the whole enterprise.

And there is also the energy of what you want.

And energy of what you don’t want.

And there is the energy of EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT you have.

And there are many more energies, which we can’t even name…



Energy is not just you doing something or getting exhausted hustling or being lazy vs not being lazy or jumping up and down getting energised or motivation

All that is superficial

I told you — if your energy is not concentrated, when it’s SCATTERED — it is WEAK! Or even ineffectual. Or EVEN adverse to your goals!

Adding more “energy” to the system which fails to concentrate it — it’s like going pedal to the metal in a vehicle with a broken fucking wheel — it will only sooner get you to crash into a fucking tree

This is what superficial deployment of energy gives you.

If you’re not concentrated — MORE energy is the least of your problems.


If you’re not concentrated — adding more energy is dangerous.

You think that if you add more energy — you will start to overcome some problem you believe needs overcoming.

What if you are failing to overcome not because you lack energy — but because part of your energy is actively preventing you from overcoming that problem? Or even CREATING it?

And what happens if you then add more energy? Well if your own energy is creating the problem — then you only created a GREATER problem.

This is what happens when your energy is scattered, incoherent.


The instinct to “add more energy”, to just “do something”, to “make a change” — is absolutely correct — WHEN your energy is concentrated. When you are concentrated. When life is simple. When you are not confused. When you are not distracted.

When you’re focused — energy NATURALLY aligns. You naturally “add more energy”. You naturally become more energised, and you naturally seek to generate even more energy and pull even more of it into your pursuit.

But when you’re scattered, confused — adding more energy can cause more harm than good.


Does it mean do nothing when you’re stressed, anxious, confused, tired, lazy, distracted, scattered?

I often say that ACTION is the cure — but that action must be concentrated. Action is energy and that energy of action must be concentrated.

The same is true for the energy of REFLECTION, energy of insight. If it’s concentrated at proactively figuring out the solution — then it’s energy is concentrated. If it’s however scattered on stressing over million possibilities and scenarios — then it’s obviously adverse.

If you give more energy to someone who already overthinks and is already stressed — you only make him overthink more and stress more.

If you give more energy to someone who is already frantic and chaotic in his actions — he will only make a bigger mess.

Action is indeed the cure for one who is trapped in his mind.

Reflection and meditation is the cure for one who is frantic and confused in his actions.

What should you do?

You should do both.

Both action and reflection.




I believe you don’t lack energy — you’re predominately scattered.

I believe that when you’re concentrated — your energy naturally aligns. And then MORE energy aligns with you.

I believe when you’re scattered — adding more energy can only aggravate matters.


And only then should you add more energy.


When your energy is scattered, when your energy is pulling you in million incongruous incompatible directions — you must REMOVE some of that energy.

Energy feeds on itself. Everything has momentum of it’s own. Adding more energy here will only accelerate the confusion,

You must STOP

You must STOP, take away the energy, terminate the confused processes,

You must become aware of them, obviously.

I don’t hope you will become aware of them all. But if you did — you would be able to reclaim extreme amounts of energy, and remove profound obstacles out of your way.

You must become aware of them and slowly remove the energy from them,

That is best done by meditation. By taking a pause. A real concentrated pause. Concentrate on nothing. Let everything subside. Let everything calm down.

This is absolutely the first fucking step.

Do less. Do nothing. Become more aware. Calm your mind. Make it single, single-minded.

Withdraw the energy.

The obvious target to withdraw the energy from is “negative energy”. Does this negativity serve you? Probably not. Withdraw the energy. Let it all calm down.

In truth — NEVER let negative energy linger. If it’s there — ask where the fuck it came from — then let it pass. Let is subside. Let it die.



This is vital.

By just withdrawing energy — you die. You become nothing. Are you ready to die yet? Do you want to die? Probably not the point.

You can’t lay around wait for “inspiration”. You can’t just “meditate” more energy into you. You can’t endlessly just charge batteries.

Eventually you have to deploy that energy. Convert that energy. You go from potential energy to kinetic energy. And you let that energy accumulate. You let that energy accumulate — and eventually you have more energy than you started with, somehow. Eventually you ACT. Eventually you LIVE.


It’s imperative that you start slowly.

Before you “released” the energy, just a moment before — it was scattered.

You don’t want to RISK adding more energy — only for it to become scattered again, and derail you again.

You must start as slow as possible. Make sure you maintain traction. Make sure you steadily build the right momentum.

When you’re on the right track — the energy will NATURALLY ALIGN.

You’ll NATURALLY find more energy.


…Not that you need it.

Concentration is MORE important.

Why waste energy? Why not be more concentrated, more focused, more precisely directed?

FOCUS better.

At ALL times balance your energy. Be mindful of it. Be mindful of your concentration. Be mindful of what is distracting your energy, of what is dissipating it.

Find ways to make EVERYTHING EASIER,

Take on HARDER THINGS by making them EASIER.


Find ways to be more energy-efficient.

Take on greater challenges and overcome them with your focused and precise energy.

If needed — THEN get more energy.

But foremost learn to focus it — like a LASER.

And foremost get out of your own way.


Yes you are in your own way.

And it’s THE HARDEST to get out of your own way. Like I said — your instinct when faced with an obstacle is to pull more FORCE into it, attack it with more energy,

But what if you are the obstacle? And that energy you pull is actually the energy you’re trying to overcome? You put pedal to the metal but your wheels are turned in the opposing directions?

The real ART is to learn to get out of one’s own way, and CONCENTRATE THE ENERGY when it is scattered.

ANYONE has energy when he is concentrated. We are born energetic. We learn to walk and run and talk and joke.

It’s when we get scattered when it is really hard to bring oneself together.

Learn art to withdraw energy from that which pulls you in the WRONG directions — and CONCENTRATE that energy there where it is needed.

I promise you — this is the true power.

One doesn’t get more powerful than that.

Everything else is a joke next to the power to concentrate one’s energy.