
You Don’t Act Because You Are Confident – You Are Confident Because You Act

We love confidence.

We love feelings.

We love concepts.

Concepts about our own selves. Feelings about our own selves.

Confidence is such an empowering feeling!

Confidence is such an empowering mindset!

We love confidence.


What is confidence?

It is this certainty about things, isn’t it?

We love certainty.

Certainty gives us security.

And we crave security.


We love security. We love certainty. We love confidence.

We have labeled all those qualities as “good”. We desire all these qualities in our life and now we seek them, now we try to realize them in our lives.

The problem with such thinking is that, in actuality, confidence cannot be pursuit. Confidence cannot be cultivated.


What is it that we actually assert with this whole mantra of BEING CONFIDENT?

Aren’t we basically INTOXICATING OURSELVES, with this drug of hope, this drug of self-idealization, self-adulation?

What is this entire process of cultivating confidence?

Can you not see that this is basically cultivating ILLUSIONS?


You can’t cultivate confidence.

There is only one way in which actual confidence is attained – and it is the way of action.

In reality – confidence is only ever a result of action.

Only in action, only in contact – is there learning.

This very learning is when knowledge is attained.

This very knowledge is what constitutes certainty.

You obviously have all the confidence about your ability to walk.

You never cultivated this confidence.

It gradually built up, as you learned to walk, and it has been there ever since.


It’s the most egregious fallacy that we need confidence in order to ACT.

It is completely the opposite:

We have to ACT in order to gain CONFIDENCE.

There is absolutely no other way around.

Confidence is built only in ACT.

You can’t “get” confidence in order to act.

You have to ACT in order to get confidence.

And this very confidence – it is obviously only a byproduct.

Because you ACT ANYWAY.

You have to.