Lifestyle Philosophy World



There’s what you want — and there’s what you think the world needs.


There’s what you want — and there’s what you think the world needs.

The world needs to be freed from DISCRIMINATION and prejudice and the planet needs to be saved and the animals need not be eaten for breakfast, and all the rest of it

There’s what you want and attempt to get for yourself — and there’s what you think the world needs — and you attempt to bring it to the world, because you’re a “GOOD PERSON”


Now, why is there a discrepancy?

Why is WHAT YOU WANT separated from WHAT THE WORLD’s NEEDS?

And why are the ACTIONS you undertake to GET YOURSELF WHAT YOU WANT disjointed from the ACTIONS you take to SAVE THE WORLD?

Should the world NOT be grateful for your tremendous contribution?

Should the world NOT be grateful for your tremendous contribution — and REWARD you duly?


Are you really saving the world?

Or is the technological progress saving the world?

And the contribution of the evil capitalists far greater then trillions they cashed in?

This is not a debate about socialism of capitalism though — it’s about WHAT CONSTITUTES GREATER CONTRIBUTION

Ideological ranting — or INNOVATION?

Political squabbles — or INNOVATION?


And again — why are the ACTIONS you undertake to GET YOURSELF WHAT YOU WANT disjointed from the ACTIONS you take to SAVE THE WORLD?

There’s your job — and there’s your social media activism

Why are you saving the world with stupid tweets and captions under pictures from your vacations — rather then during the 8 hours you dedicate to work, every day?


I obviously don’t believe in words. Words are empty.

I obviously don’t believe in your “contribution”. I don’t even believe in your conviction. I think we are no individuals, but a foul projection of the environment we’re in.

However if you are serious, if you are honest, then perhaps you will see that there’s what you want — and there’s what you the world could need.

And perhaps there’s a way to make these two work together, somehow.

Perhaps you can contribute, and perhaps you can receive in return.

Perhaps you can make the world a better place — and be rewarded in return?

And then, WHY would you do anything ELSE but contribute?


Let’s begin with being quiet,

Talking is obviously not doing — so stop talking — if you want to start doing

Then ask yourself how you can truly impact most people — while also impacting yourself,

You don’t want to be a martyr.

The “good life” must be replicable, if it’s to be considered “good” — and when we are all martyrs — then the world is suffering.

Never intend to be a martyr. Be a martyr only if life forces you to — and you utterly understand the necessity of it — for the good of the collective.

Otherwise the MARTYR-LABEL will just be a tool of your deception — first moral, then practical.

You don’t want to be a martyr. You want to benefit YOU, AND benefit the world.

And it doesn’t have to be grand.

The smallest actual contribution is greater then your grandest empty proclamations on social media.


Cheer up! Life is not so difficult

You do want to be good. Deep within we all recognise the deletorious foulness of amorality. We understand it’s destructiveness to not just the world — but the whole — including you.

Deep within we understand it

We want to be good — for our own sake, for the world’s sake — and for our EGO’s sake too. We want the comfort of being someone, someone that’s “good”,

And it’s a fact

And hopefully one day your ego will dissolve in the goodness, the wholeness of your contribution — and you will forget that you wanted to be “good” in the first place — for you will forget about the “you” itself.

But for now, you, the puny little human being, that wants to be accepted and not rejected and not obliterated — you can contribute, you can benefit you, AND the world, and BE GOOD – and it’s some wonderful news.

Cheer up and find yourself something useful and honest to do, that the world should care about and that should help someone tomorrow and someone else the day after tomorrow.