Lifestyle Philosophy



You likely didn’t upset that person.

They were upset to begin with.


It’s very easy to upset a faceless stranger.

It’s very easy to impress a stranger.

You don’t want to impress random strangers. You don’t want to cater to the mob. You don’t want to make it happy.

Make your loved ones happy. Make them happy and not upset.


Treat everyone well,

But never at the expense of who you are.

If you are you, truly you — which is rare — you will be very offensive.

DO offend a lot of people!

Just make sure you treat them well otherwise. Treat EVERYONE well.


Make your loved ones happy.

Pick them wisely.

Not because some don’t deserve the love — but because some aren’t ready to receive it.


Be yourself 1000% when you meet the person,

Otherwise you don’t meet,

Otherwise the person meets someone who is not you,

And someone who is not you meets the person

You must be yourself 1000% otherwise you don’t meet,


When you truly genuinely conveyed yourself — there is nothing you should apologise for. Nothing to take the blame for. Because when you truly showed who you are — what’s expected from you is clear. It’s entirely clear who you are and nothing you can do, nothing you can say — escapes that truth.

This is how it is impossible for you to disappoint. Impossible for you to offend. Because if the person could see you, truly see you — they would have seen (everything that should come).