
Cool vs Uncool

being “based”, saying what you think, and NOT being afraid of offending others = super cool

offending others is uncool, lame, insecure


it’s just like BEING COOL, vs TRYING TO LOOK COOL,

you know?

trying to “say a funny thing”, or “look strong”, or hint at your HIGH VALUE — that’s uncool as fuck, try-hard and insecure,

what’s cool is to JUST BE THERE, representing who you are

everyone is handwaving and acting and trying to one-up another

or panicking and doing 10 things at once because everything is so important and they so lack control

but you’re cool, you have it all under control

and you’re cool, cool with who you are


likewise criticising is uncool, most the time

your insights should be the criticism

your ideas of improvement should be the criticism

preferably your actual improved actions should be the criticism

THAT’S the best criticism

to start from criticism is actually to start from the place of insecurity putting others down

it’s pathetic

if you have CRITICISM of something — go ahead and PROVE you have improvements

otherwise shut the fuck up


the same with scepticism

what are you achieving with your “scepticism”?

if the naive one is right one out of 100 times — at least he achieves something

you achieve nothing, you’re just justifying your own insignificance


being negative is of course uncool

negative = LOSER

your precious time dwindles minute by minute

you just spent a fucking minute of your life with a discontented look on your face, whinging

that’s a loser to me

winners win, winners smile and have a blast


can you see?

being COOL is very important, is it not

as long as you’re ACTUALLY cool

if you think you’re cool, TRY to be cool — you’re actually uncool



focus on doing something amazing

amazing work, and amazing fun

1000% own who you are

0% care what others think

unless you can learn from them of course, then just listen, very intently, with child-like curiosity and amusement and playfulness even. it’s learning time, which is FUN

don’t talk about others because it’s what losers do

unless it pertains to your own work — in which case you consider it in a cool, utterly ABSTRACTED manner

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