Philosophy World

Crisis or Not – You Create Value – You Get Value

Crisis or not – you create value – you get value


Literally one man with one innovation could double economy


Sure we buy less garbage and we produce less garbage and we get less garbage

What difference does it make? It’s garbage!


What do you REALLY need?

What you need you can probably get for yourself yourself, now

What you don’t need is just that — needless — a needless garbage. Don’t get it. Get rid of it, sell it.


What does the world really need? More polos? More TVs?

Go give the world what it needs and men will reward you with what you need, to the best of their ability. STRONG ECONOMY OR NOT.


Please be simple

Perhaps then you can get what you need and not what you don’t-need… for a price you can’t afford.

And don’t worry about economy because you’re either useful or not. The rest is semantics