Is psyche simple?
It could be.
It probably is not, for most of us.
Our mind is like a cluttered room.
There’s a lot of stuff in it. Some useful. Some useless.
Some old and some new. Some at the front desk and some thrown somewhere under the rug.
Most of that stuff is garbage. Some of it takes far too much space. There’s a lot of dust on some of those objects – makes it hard to breath.
You’d be better throwing most of it away.
Better yet stuffing some bare necessities into your pocket – and leaving the room altogether.
Psyche is not simple, for most of us.
It’s a cluttered room.
It’s very hard to organise all these objects.
It’s very difficult to perceive the wholeness of the psyche, the wholeness of the mind which is so chaotic, messy, cluttered.
What are the consequences of this failure of perception?
What are the consequences of this terrible chaos?
Is a messy room a propitious environment for work?
Is a messy mind a propitious tool for life, a propitious tool to tackle the problem of living?
Delusion thrives when simplicity is not.
The more ideas you have about your life, your mind, your self — the more room to indulge in self-deception. The more room for an error. The more room for confusion.
Delusion thrives on confusion.
Delusion is your attempt at simplification when simplicity is not. It is how you thrown stuff under the rug and pretend the room is clean.
For the space to be – the room must be CLEAN.
You will be unable to move when the space is not.
For the clarity to come to being — there must be simplicity.
One’s mind must be simple. One’s mind must be innocent.
It is not a mind of knowledge. It is not a mind of ideas. It is not a mind of ambitions. It is not a mind of goals of plans of conditions of provisos of excuses of desires.
For the clarity to be – all this mess must be thrown away.
This pseudo-sophistication of life is where confusion comes from. It’s the mind – which seeks self-perpetuation – that creates all those systems, all those ideas, all those plans and values and properties.
This must end.
There is not a chance of tackling the all-important question of life, of tackling the problems of life — when the mind, the psyche, is in such chaos.
There is not a chance of gaining insight of this world when our vision is so terribly distorted by our systems, ideas, thoughts.
Look at our culture. We ask all the wrong question. We don’t even look for happiness. Our priorities, our pursuits, are so distorted – we don’t even look at the all-important problem of happiness – instead tackling the money first or the social responsibilities first or image first.
None of the vital problems of life are we capable to asses clearly.
We speak about our wants but we have no concept of what we truly want. We brush it off as some luxury car or a house with a picket fence.
We speak about god but we never look into the beautiful mystery of the unknown – we just brush it off as either some old man with a beard – or absence of him.
We speak about value but we never asked what value is. We just want to do what society approves of. And we never see that this society is lost – we don’t even see the sad look on everyone’s face.
There is all the self-helping and self-developing going on and it’s so mindless! You speak of self-realisation, of self-actualisation, of finding yourself, of getting hold of your life, of becoming strong, of going your own way — but all of this is coming from the place of confusion. All those ideas are just new toys you throw into your messy room. You only plaster new ideas on top of the old ones.
All this only crates more chaos. Your idea of LIFE PHILOSOPHY gets only more convoluted. You must do this you must do that. So many ideas on how to live the good life.
So much room to indulge in self-deception.
So many ideas on how to organise the whole itinerary of your life – every step, every landmark, every little challenge.
And as you go about it – you only get more dissatisfied – for not one of those ideas is real. Not one of those ideas is authentic. It is all garbage. It is all useless. All this old stuff is useless.
There’s the miracle of the sunrise but you can never see it. Too many ideas.
There is not a single thing you can see about yourself, not a single thing you can see about the world – because you have an IDEA in place of it.
The sunrise is “beautiful”. You know it to be that way – which is why you shall never see it.
“What do I want from life?”
You will never know what you want. Or don’t want. You will only know ideas.
Simplicity will make your life so much happier and more rewarding. This is one tremendous benefit. It purifies your mind to be able to receive the gift of life again.
But more importantly – please be simple to END delusion.
Please be simple to stop lying to yourself. To stop finding yourself confused. To stop finding yourself doing what you didn’t want to do, or not doing what you wanted, or not getting what you planned, all the rest of this nonsense ideas you have about life.
Please be simple to end delusion.