Lifestyle Philosophy

Serious Ones Despise Vagueness In Any Matter

Serious ones despise vagueness in any matter


When you are serious — you don’t have time for IFs

Why ponder if you could just test it


When you are serious — you don’t have time for vague concepts and language

Language is a tool which enables communication. Not some self-indulgent frippery, or silly plaything

A spade is a fucking spade


Heuristic: if someone is vague:

-he’s not a serious doer

-he’s not a serious thinker either

-he probably doesn’t have a clue

-he has low self-confidence

beware of vagueness and indecision


Now, obviously you don’t have all the answers; Don’t pretend that you do, that is foolish and serves no purpose, other then delusion; You can’t build anything on delusion

But you know what you do know

You know what you will do

And if you don’t — then don’t open your mouth

But if you do — then convey it

Directly, with no nonsense