The direction is always up
The direction is always up,
for you,
for me,
for everyone
that is the direction
The direction is always up
You want to go up
You want the world to go up
You want your brother to go up
You want everything to go up
The world gains and your brother gains and you gain
It’s all going up, but then sometimes it goes down
You get unlucky
You do your best and you still fail
You get more unlucky
And then you still get mistreated and cheated and kicked in the belly
Sometimes it’s going down
Sometimes life fucks you over
World fucks you over
People fuck you over
Someone fucks you over
And finally you fuck you over
The direction is still up
The direction is still up,
for the world that fucked you over
For the people that fucked you over
For the person that fucked you over
And for you
And for your life
the direction is still up
The direction is still up for EVERYTHING
Not just for you
Or for the world
That means you must forgive the world
That means you must forgive yourself
It’s easier said then done
It’s easy to forgive the world when you’re doing great
It’s easy to give when you’ve much to give
It’s easy to be charitable if it costs you nothing
It’s easy to speak of virtue when you’re living the comfortable western life
It’s easier to forgive yourself when you blame the world
If you want to “show them”
It’s easier to lift yourself up by climbing over others
It’s easier to be ambitious and proud then it is to be peaceful and loving
What is not so easy is when everything and everyone is fucking you over,
and yet you still remember that the direction is always up, only up
for you, for the unjust world, for the ignorant people, for everyone,
and you have to lift yourself up
and then you have to lift everyone else up
even if they mistreated you
even if they “deserve punishment”
the direction is always up
and there’s nothing more to say,
it’s simple but not easy
someone will fuck you over — and you still have to find a way to make it work,
for you, and hopefully for the other person,
life will give you shit and you have to make do with it,
the world is what it is — and you have to make it work for you — and then you have to make it work for others, the best you can
it’s all simple but not easy
you will be angry and you will be ambitious and you will be proud and you will be defiant and you will be competitive and you will be righteous
and you will be upset and you will be confused and you will be disappointed and you will be frustrated and you will be tired and you will be demotivated and you will be weak
…and then you will rise above it all,
first for yourself, then for others,
it utterly doesn’t matter where you are — the direction is always up,
and for everyone
take yourself up, then take others up, then take yourself up — no matter where you are
the direction is always up