Lifestyle Philosophy World


Life is action

You act — you get result — you extract information from that result, which is your feedback

Then you act again

Life is this unending cycle of action and information


By getting better information you (can) choose better action

This process is called discrimination


Discrimination is an innately and completely positive process

The negative connotation of the word applies not to discrimination but to the opposite of it — the fallacious and arbitrary SEPARATION of things and men

Discrimination is a function of refining correct information

The “negative discrimination” shows no refinement, and the “information” it is based on is incorrect in the first place, or inconclusive (therefore not susceptible to drawing sensible conclusions)

The results are invidious

But that’s the point. This “negative discrimination” has nothing to do with analysing information and acquiring optimal results — but with benefiting the ego: both materialistically and spiritually

(also bear in mind the process serves both sides — both the discriminators and the discriminated ABUSE the entire perceived imbalance)

…let’s return to what TRUE DISCRIMINATION is, not this sociopolitical fucking nonsense


Discrimination is an innately and completely positive process

This involves what we call “REJECTION”

Discrimination innately entails rejection


Rejection is psychological discomfort of getting adverse feedback


-someone doesn’t want to work with us

-your results don’t bear your predictions

-someone doesn’t believe we are worth so much money

-someone doesn’t want to spend time with us

-someone doesn’t buy our product


Discrimination itself is neutral. It has no character. A is A and B is B. A is different then B. B is more suitable to C. Therefore C attracts B. That’s the way world works.

I use the word “attract” deliberately — to convey that this is just the order of the world.

Anything else would be illogical.


Rejection is not so neutral

This is because we are human

We assign value to results

We expect things

We care

We get attached to things

We are subject to cognitive biases

We are emotional

And we have egos

We want to be grand


Some rejection we take well and some not so well

Some rejection we take well psychologically — which means it doesn’t inflict psychological pain or damage.

Some we take badly

Some rejection we take well intellectually – in that we learn from the feedback

Some we ignore

and some we take badly, in that we get all the wrong conclusions (e.g. backfire effect, or just simple misapprehension)


To learn from rejection one must be objective

Therefore one’s emotional irrationality and biased psychological predilections must be addressed

Otherwise not only does one not benefit from exposure to rejection, exposure to dissonant information — but one is damaged by it: confused and invalidated, or further deluded


But rejection is crucial


To avoid either is to avoid feedback, which is to avoid information, which is to be stupid, delusional, absurd

Rejection is absolutely necessary and innately positive, negative emotions or not


Rejection is crucial and absolutely necessary


-reject more

-be rejected more

-try more, fail more

-get more opinions

-polarise with your opinions

-say “NO” more

-hear “NO” more

-give up more

-change your mind more

-alienate more

-be alienated


It really must be understood that all advancement is built on discrimination

Without discrimination everything is even – therefore there can be no improvement, no advancement


W get so weaned on BLAND CORRECT OPINIONS and BLAND CORRECT LIFE CHOICES and BLAND CORRECT UNOFFENSIVE TREATMENT OF OTHERS that it becomes our default – even without serious previous psychological trauma to cause such meekness

With it we are doing the world a disfavour, and ourselves a disfavour

We deprive others and ourselves of an opportunity to improve, by NOT discriminating between superior fits and inferior fits for ourselves and for others


This harmful habit must be eradicated

This addiction to validation must be eradicated

The psychological resistance to FAILURE and REJECTION must be dissolved


It’s the only way of freeing oneself from eventual complacency

You free yourself and only then can you subject yourself to the crucible of improvement

You can’t improve if you think all’s equal can you?

Only the discriminating can grow and evolve

Only the discriminating individual can transform himself

Only the discriminating, competitive organisation can succeed

Those that don’t discriminate perish

Those that share resources equally — they also perish





The more the better

It’s rejection which REVEALS the truth about you — VIA NEGATIVA — and not the echo chamber of smiling idiots yes-sayers

Get yourself out there

Unapologetically push yourself higher

Do the man you meet the favour of negative feedback, by naturally discriminating most of them out of your life, granting an opportunity to improve

And accept the same favour from those you aspire to learn from

And this is how we ALL improve