Philosophy Spirituality World

Discriminate Not Hate

whether I hate you or love you

whatever I label you or don’t label

whether I offend you or please you

doesn’t change the only thing of substance, and that’s:



just because I don’t want to associate with you doesn’t mean I hate you

just because you’re useless to me doesn’t mean I have a problem with you


hate is real

discrimination isn’t


prejudice is real

misinformation is real

hate is real

discrimination – not really


We can’t afford (unjust) discrimination under capitalism. It’s too costly. We are stupid but not that stupid. Discrimination is largely an illusion. A scapegoat.


Hate is real and it starts within

It manifests in how we treat others and ourselves.

Love is how we give love to others and ourselves

How we love others

How we love life

How we love ourselves

Hate is how we hate ourselves and our condition and how isolated we feel

Hate is how everyone is a threat and thus how we hate everyone


Discrimination is judgment. Discrimination is wisdom. Discrimination is prudence.

Hate is illness. Hate is darkness and confusion.

Usefulness is Cause-And-Effect. Useful is what causes desired effects.

Hate is a mental attitude, an illness. Hate doesn’t create, doesn’t cause desired effects. It only alienates, separates, divides, hoards.

Hate creates nothing because all creation is non-zero-sum — whereas hate is zero-sum.

Discrimination is an exercise of picking the right causes to create desired effects

Hate is an exercise of picking oneself, and in it forfeiting the whole. Forfeiting for oneself, and forfeiting for others.