When you’re more discriminating you can be more loving
Do you know why you get mad at people?
You get MAD so that you can DO something, CHANGE something
You get mad, you get upset, you grow discontented, you get worried, you get anxious — all of that so that you can DO something, CHANGE something
You get mad at people because you’re NOT CLEAR in regards to:
-what you want from them
-what they want from you
-what to do with the situation
You’re negative towards people because you keep FAILING to get what you want from them, and keep FAILING to NOT be worse off from your relationships with them
This absolutely pertains both to the people closest to you — and to TOTAL strangers
You’re NOT secure in your relationships with all of them — therefore you get apprehensive, you get upset, you get negative, you get aggressive, you get angry
When you’re more discriminating you can be more loving
When you’re more discriminating you set CLEAR boundaries
Now it’s quite binary: someone accords with your boundaries — or not.
When they’re not — you choose to form a relationship with someone more suited to you
And if they are — and you’re still dissatisfied — then clearly it’s on you. You’re responsible. And you will now solve the problem yourself
There are NO HARD FEELINGS. None of it is necessary. You FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF. You ask yourself what you want. You look for that which you want,
You’re not negative. You can be loving.
Everyone is different. And you are loving, all the same.
When you’re more discriminating you can be more loving
You discriminate against those who don’t share your values
You will not obtrude on them and they will not obtrude on you
They are free to maximize their potential the way they see fit — and you are free to maximize your potential the way you see fit
THERE ARE NO HARD FEELING! We are different.
There is no negativity to mar the pristine love you have for all sentient
When you’re more discriminating you can be more loving
There is REALLY absolutely nothing now to stand in the way of you being profoundly tolerant of others, truly tolerant of others, not in false words, false gestures and misguided ideologies
When you’re discriminating — you UNDERSTAND how different we all are, how much our values and goals differ
By discriminating you are being RESPECTFUL towards your own self, towards your values and goals and ambitions
And thus you’re learning to be RESPECTFUL of others: and their values, their goals and ambitions and desires and tastes and choices
You let yourself do what it is that you want to do, with those who share your values — and let everyone else do what it is they want to do, with those who share their values.
There is absolutely no hard feelings. Therefore only love and care.
And of course, when you’re more discriminating — you can be more loving to those you DID CHOOSE into your life
Therefore those are the one’s you CHOSE TO LOVE
And now there’s nothing left but to love them
Love them with all of your heart
You chose them. They are here to stay
You can give to them. You can care for them. You love them
You absolutely must be more discriminating, more intelligent, more conscious
To not discriminate is to discriminate. It’s unfair, actually. Hurtful.
Be more discriminating, more conscious what you want, what you want to give, what your values are, who you share values with
See who responds
Then love them