Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Do It Genuinely Or Do Nothing


When you don’t feel like, don’t want to do something — the question is not whether you should do it or not,

The question is:

-Why you feel the way you feel?

-Why you were to do it?

-Why do you not want to do it?



What-You-Do is irrelevant. But self-knowledge is imperative.


Should you do what you Don’t-Want — you are merely violently forcing yourself to it — all while denying the fact that you’re conflicted

Should you do ‘Something Else’, should you procrastinate — you are merely escaping your conflict, while also escaping your duty — which is even greater denial.


Don’t postpone. Don’t ‘get it over with’,

Either change the paradigm completely – or transcend it.

Either understand completely your motivations – if you are to do something – or do nothing.

The only thing which is important is that you do not deceive yourself.

Do it genuinely – or genuinely do nothing.


Doing-Nothing is sacred because it’s one of the last few things you can do which are genuine.

You forgot what was real because ideas of What-You-Should-Do were planted in your head.

Whatever you shall do in such state can only be conditioned. The only genuine action is inaction. Silence.


Les this silence guide you.

Do nothing until you SEE.

You should know what is real and what is important when you have passed up what is unimportant.

Do nothing more often.


…do nothing more often!

Sit quietly more. Spontaneously.

Walk more.

Lay in bed more.

Go on vacations more. Lay on the beach sunbathing doing nothing until you’ve bored yourself to inspired action.


Please recognise that battling your own self is not a normal condition. It’s malfunction. You want to be whole, integrated.

This inner integrity is far more important then any petty task at hand. It is even more important then your future.

Do nothing more so that when you DO do something — it is GENUINE.