Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

The Only Doing is Doing NEW Things

We think we’re “doing”, or “trying”

Really we’re not


You don’t understand Doing

You watch what others call “doing” and call it “doing”

They say work is “doing” and watching tv is “wasting time

They say effort is “doing” and relaxing is “slacking”

They say activity is “doing” and laying around is “not doing”

Etc etc

Only it’s all nonsense


There’s only one “doing” which is the real Doing


This is the true meaning of “doing”


Either you’re doing something new or you’re doing something old

You showing up in the office every day for the same set of chores every day

And every day is like the last day and every day there’s nothing new in it

Like eating and breathing and shitting

Do you consider breathing as “doing”?

Do you consider shitting as “doing”?


You stressing

You exerting effort

You earning

You “being productive”

You investing your time

NONE of this is the real Doing

Tell me how is it different to shitting?

Even that has an end product


As long as you’re alive, you are “doing” something, in some sense

You’re wasting air

You’re producing shit, literally

You’re taking space

You’re using electricity

You’re consuming

This is not the real Doing


This is not the real Doing



This truth applies to every aspect of life

Your wellbeing obviously suffers when you’re put in one boring place to do a single boring thing; The whole mechanism of boredom is built around avoiding this terrible stagnation. The whole ubiquitous pursuit of entertainment and pleasure is but forlorn attempt at making oneself feel alive — without actually living.

Your effect on the world — and consequently world’s effect on you — should entirely depend on your ability to make yourself useful — and you are as useful as innovative you are. Because by definition to solve new problems you need NEW solutions. The world doesn’t care about you inventing a wheel — it already has the fucking wheel. Either you DO something new — or you get nothing new. Nothing new but your good old wellfare check.

Your (evolutionary, general) fitness and intelligence entirely depend on you tempering yourself with the real-world challenges. And it is NOT a challenge if it’s the same thing again and again. It’s no challenge if you did it million times before. It’s no challenge to take another step towards the fridge — the challenge is to make a step on the moon, or something.

Your inspiration, motivation obviously entirely depend on the kind of problems you’re entertaining yourself with. It’s not inspiring to do the same thing that you’ve done million times, and that everyone else has done million times. It’s inspiring and exciting if it’s a new place, new thing, new calling, new challenge…


…It’s all obvious.

I’m already bored of this fucking text.

And yet we return to our lives and do this and do that, and think it’s so worthwhile, and burn all this energy, and burn all this discipline, and feel so bored anyway, and feel so empty and uninspired anyway, and feel so underrated anyway…

There’s nothing more to say

Either it’s new, on some level, either it’s innovative, either it’s elevating — or it’s no different to shitting,

or dying

Deep within we all know it’s true

Obviously we do — otherwise we’d NEVER feel so bored, never be so desperate to entertain ourselves vainly,

Obviously we understand deep within that we ought to be alive and that life means to explore and DO NEW THINGS,

But we ignore that

We don’t believe that

Well believe that

Believe you — even when you’re wrong

Otherwise verily you die