
Don’t Be Lame But Awesome

Don’t be lame — be awesome

Your lameness rubs off on what you do


Be awesome merely for the sake of awesomeness

Let that awesomeness permeate your entire being

Everything you do

Even the way you conduct yourself


Have awesome fun with how you express yourself

Have awesome fun with how you look

Have awesome fun with awesome people

Have awesome fun with awesome fun you’re having

And then obviously have awesome fun with everything you do

And make it awesome


Make everything awesome

If you loved your work you’d make it awesome

If you loved yourself you’d make you awesome

If you loved the world you’d make it awesome


Don’t be lame

I distrust lame (and i distrust the unhappy)

It betrays lack of imagination

It betrays boredom

I’m attracted to cool people because cool people have cool lives and not the aforementioned

Don’t be lame if you can

Be awesome


Be awesome

Just don’t worry about it

Trying to look awesome is the very opposite of it

Just do awesome things

Have awesome life

Foremost, have awesome joy

Share awesome love

And at the end, be awesome

Let this awesomeness pervade every aspect of your being

Just let it

Sometimes it’s all it takes — just to let the LAMENESS fucking die

be awesome