
I Don’t Care What Should Be

9/10 people should hear that what-is is neither what should be nor what shouldn’t be — it’s just what it is and for some very good reason (whether they see it or not)


if you can change what is — go ahead;

but I don’t want to hear what “should be”

because there’s really nothing to hear

what “should be” is NOT what is therefore it’s nonsense



Tremendously lot of energy is wasted on those disputes of what ought to fucking be and what’s right and whose evil

For all this talking so little changing

Talk is cheap obviously

But talk-is-cheap aside — the deeper truth is that there really is absolutely no link between WHAT-SHOULD-BE and WHAT-IS


There is only what-is and change

And the only thing you can do is acknowledge what is

And continue changing, right here, right now

Concept of ought and should and what-not is utterly void

Please see that