Lifestyle Philosophy

Don’t Change The Society — Change Yourself

It tires me and disappoints — anytime I see somebody’s attempts to change the culture, change the society, change the world.

What pomposity! Change the world!!

I believe your main motivation is RECOGNITION. Being no one bothers you, so you go on finding ways to be something.

I also think your attempts, if these are truly motivated by the common good and societal progress, are founded on the wrong assumptions.

You are the society. You and me. You can only change yourself. It is only when you are changed, when WE ARE CHANGED, that the society can change. You are doing the wrong work.


Please stop doing politics, talking politics, even thinking politics.

Please don’t engage in no social justice disputes… these are founded on greed and ambition — not on love.


Your relationship to OTHERS is the society.

If you can’t change yourself, you have no business changing anyone or anything else.

Change yourself. Change your relationships.

From internal change all external change shall flow.

Politics, justice, equality, all this fucking garbage is nothing but talk. By engaging in this blabber you only perpetuate the strife.

Free yourself of this deletorious noise. Focus on your daily life.

It will not only make your life so much more complete — is is the ONLY way to make REAL CHANGE in the world… not just covering one lie with another.