Philosophy World

Don’t Fail Without Reason

Don’t fail without good reason


Don’t make a habit out of failing


The purpose of failing is to win

You fail many small times so that you can win big-time

You experiment and explore so that you can innovate

You fail so that you can discover a new way

New, by definition, is unknown, therefore everything that is new is NOT known, not known to be advantageous or disadvantageous, useful or useless, good or bad, rewarding or futile

But you go there anyway so that you can improve

You can’t improve the “known”, because known, by definition, is fixed.

Therefore you go into the unknown — and you fail along the way — until you’ve found the gold


This is the purpose of failing

The purpose of failing is not to fail

If you don’t win after your failures — then you’re just a failure

Your goal is to win

Failure is just means to an end


Everything you do — do to the best of your ability

Never FAIL the simple things and small things

Never do things inadequately

How you do the smallest thing is how you do everything

And if you make a habit out of failing — you will fail everything — with no grand reward at the end of it


Don’t glorify failing

Again: failing without winning is just failing

The only time to glorify failing is if you want to be a failure


We take this invitation to “fail a lot” and “fail big” to justify our failures

We love the underdog story, so much so we become addicted to it, and unable to go beyond it

We love to tell ourselves we’re failing everything in our lives in anticipation of our grand transformation

It’s all nonsense. Truth is: change is gradual. Results will be non-linear — but your true change is gradual, slow, and it happens every day, in how you live EVERY single one of your days.


Don’t fail every day

NEVER FAIL simple things.

The only purpose of failing is to discover something better

If you fail simple shit and stuff that is well-known how to do — you’re not discovering nothing. You’re just addicted to your failure-mentality.


We’re too lenient about stupid pointless failures, while STILL not encouraging enough of meaningful failures.

We tolerate ineptitude and disorganisation in our daily lives, sabotaging our results on simplest levels

We don’t celebrate the gift of life by celebrating every aspect of our lives — we’re neglectful, one-dimensional

This is unacceptable

You want to make every aspect of your life beautiful

Because your life, by definition, comprises of it’s MANY ASPECTS. How serious you are about each and every one of them, and how beautiful you make them, is how beautiful and complete your life should be


And we’re still not taking enough risks

Again: your stupid-failures don’t count as “experiments”

You fail because of your ineptitude — not because you explored the unknown unknowns, the uncharted territories

Fix your simple and stupid blunders — then set about higher-level explorations

Set about going your own way and doing your own things and doing what you DO want

Fail million times along the way but each one of those failures should be meaningful

This is the right way to fail and the only way to fail — and every other way to fail is just failure — and is absolutely unacceptable