
It’s Only Effortless After Effort

There exist those dichotomies:

doing vs being

passive income vs active income

scaling vs hourly profit

hard work vs passion

right way vs hard way

effort vs effortlessness, wu wei

let’s examine


you can always do something better (or faster)

you can always scale something, do more of something

you can always learn more, then do more

you can always innovate

you can always get lucky, find an amazing idea: an amazing innovation, an amazing market, an amazing what-have-you

all that can happen to you

or NOT


when you have created something amazing — more customers will come for more

you will give them all you have, then make more

then have someone help you make even more

…see you talk about SCALING but WHAT do you want to scale?

first make something amazing


…you scale someone else’s product or service or idea

how do you know it’s any good?


…ah you know it’s good because you LEARNT THAT ONE SECRET

and HOW DO YOU KNOW that this “secret” is true?

how many secrets are there?

believing that some god-given source of information can make you profoundly informed is delusional

See for most UNINFORMED, UNEDUCATED PEOPLE — basics are TREMENDOUSLY ENLIGHTENING, and learning them yields tremendous benefits to their lives and careers

but you still have to take those basics and religiously incorporate them into your life

and then, after those basics — you are now in the land of rapidly diminishing returns

basics, almost by definition — are sufficient to set you apart from the clueless thoughtless crowd

but then it’s not so easy

then LEARNING becomes work like every other


You don’t scale if you have nothing to scale and nothing to scale it with

You need a product to scale

You need a leverage (capital or code or innovation or medium)

Either requires effort and skill and knowledge

Everything that happens over night is an illusion — as the ground for such sudden revolution you prepare your entire life

It’s work like every other

LEARNING is work like every other



OBVIOUSLY you can work smart and you can work stupid

OBVIOUSLY you can learn nonsense from a charlatan or you can learn from a worthy mentor

But the point is that:

-LEARNING HOW TO WORK is itself WORK and effort

-LEARNING from WHO to learn is itself work and effort

FINDING a mentor is itself work and effort

LEARNING from your mentor is itself WORK and effort

LEARNING how to LEARN is itself work and effort

IMPLEMENTATION of ANY KNOWLEDGE is itself work and effort

and so on


and this BEING STUPID can manifest in many ways:

NOT LEARNING from your mistakes, repeating the same nonsense all the time

NOT ITERATING and TINKERING enough, not facilitating the discovery of optimal solutions



CEASING to ABSORB new information

…list goes on


The conclusion is

you’ll always have to LEARN, KEEP LEARNING, and keep EXPLORING and EXPERIMENTING and DOING

and that itself is “work”

and before you arrive at anything you’ll put in work

and before you put “smart work” you’ll still have to work

and before you learn some very valuable high-level information you still have to learn the basics

and before you know ANYTHING you still have to TEST ALL OF IT



…but what does it have to do with WU WEI?

Not much, really

We established that elevation from stupid-work to smart-work and from hourly to scaling and from basics to expertise and all the rest of it — that this itself is work — and the success of that elevation is dependent on one’s use of intelligence, throughout the entire process

You work either way

And the wu-wei dichotomy?

It’s a different dichotomy altogether

It’s not you smiling because you found a smarter way

It’s you smiling because you DON’T RESIST what you’re doing

Because what you do you have chosen fully, you do it fully, fully and spontaneously, and consciously


…and consciously

This does imply intelligence

So perhaps if you were to bring sincerity to what you are doing — you would do it intelligently and well — and you would learn

And you would learn and you would scale — scale what you’ve learnt

The effortlessness of WU-WEI implies you not exerting effort in your efforts

Not exerting psychological effort in your effort

This is brought about by being conscious and spontaneous

Which necessitates intelligence

And ironically — that intelligence leads to innovation leads to scaling — which, in our worldly terms, we’d call making it effortless

so perhaps

WU WEI (sincerity, spontaneity, attention, dedication)

-> intelligence and creativity and effectiveness

-> great outcomes

-> great outcomes at scale


…be simple

do what is truly necessary

do it to the best of your ability

be intelligent


and you should go from effort to effortlessness

psychologically, and literally