Lifestyle Spirituality

Energy Just Is: Find More Energy

Energy just is


Energy just is

I don’t know how much energy is available to a single human.

What if it’s unlimited?

A single human could grab a lot of fucking solar panels and batteries and hoard fucking energy,

Sun just is and it fucking soaks us in energy.

What if it’s the same with vital energy?

WHO SAID you can only have so much energy?


I believe energy follows purpose.

If you have strong purpose — you find energy.

First you find it in the most immediate reservoirs of energy. Instead of diluting your energy with distractions — you FOCUS it.


What if the goal calls for still more energy?

Well then you find more energy. Energy you didn’t know existed. You didn’t know it existed because you didn’t need it. Why overdo the power if you have nothing to supply it to? Obviously you are blind to that which you don’t need. That’s the very purpose of having eyes.


Energy follows purpose,

The greater the purpose the more energy

The more conviction in the purpose — the more energy,

How do you know your purpose is real?

By committing more energy to it !

Therefore this is actually a self-feeding loop.


See purpose is only real, intent is only real — if you pay for it. If you make it real.

You pay for it with your focus, with your concentration, with your time, with your resources, and with your ENERGY.


Energy just is

You lose energy because you get distracted.

You lose energy because you lose conviction.

You get distracted because you lack clarity. You can’t tell what is valuable from what is not. You can’t tell the priority from non-priority.

You lose conviction because you fail. You must learn to pick up small wins, to break the problem down — so that you stay on course — and accumulate this energy.


Energy just is.

Do better every day — you’ll find more energy

If you select carefully, very, very, very carefully, every week, every hour, every month — you’ll find more energy. The more mindful your choice — the more energy you’ll find

If you have a profound purpose, a meaningful purpose, a lofty purpose — you’ll find more energy, and then more energy.

If you’re honest with yourself — you’ll find more energy

If you’re resourceful — you’ll find more energy.

Let your purpose call for more resources, make you more resourceful, make you find more energy, make you CREATE more energy.

Be grateful. Be grateful for every single thing you did today, and yesterday, and this week, and this month. Let it fuel your conviction in your purpose. Conviction in the meaning of your life. Conviction in your journey. Let this conviction fuel you with MORE energy.


This is how you find more energy