Lifestyle World

Never Hesitate To Enlighten Those Around You

Never hesitate to enlighten those around you


Never go out of your way to find others to preach your morals to and impose your wisdom on. No one cares – and if they do they will find you.

But never hesitate to enlighten those already around you

They are part of your world and you are part of theirs


See some are those arrogant cunts who presume they are very positively right — and need to shove that rightness and correctness and superiority down everyone else’s throat

Don’t be that person


Alas some of us avoid the conflict which innately goes with being an individual

We act in all sorts of correct ways and polite ways and fronting ways and phony fucking ways

Never be fake

Convey yourself


We hesitate to enlighten others because we like our conflict-less lives

We justify it as being well-mannered and not presumptuous

And in that we greedily rob the world of our most valuable offerings


With everyone you elevate you elevate yourself

Everyone you elevated professionally now elevated the work you do together

Everyone you elevated spiritually now elevates this world

To elevate yourself — elevate others


You owe this much to your loved ones

You owe this much to this beautiful world

Should your gifts go unappreciated — GREAT!

You get rid of the person and find someone else to share the creative journey with


Never hesitate to enlighten those around you

Never hesitate to elevate those around you

Share your knowledge generously

Help everyone you work with

Help everyone that truly needs your help

Give advice without pride or prejudice

Never ever sabotage no one

Never compete. Cooperate

Make everyone around you better

Love everyone around you or get rid of them

Love yourself and what you have to offer