Excellence is not a habit.
Excellence is ANYTHING but a habit.
Habit is mediocrity.
Habit is repetition.
Repetition is death.
Habit, it is death.
Excellence is not a habit.
Else, fucking DEAD would be excellent.
Nothing creative is born out of repetition, only more of the the same.
To repeat is to change nothing.
To change nothing is to be motionless.
To be motionless is to be DEAD.
There is no excellence in being DEAD. Dead is just dead.
If you think habit is excellence – then die.
If you think death is excellence – then die.
I do not know if you have noticed – but people tolerate their misery predominately OUT OF HABIT.
We could go deep into theories on why human mind is susceptible to such method, or we could point out the many reasons why diverting from one’s habit could appear as an unattractive strategy… but all that is not nearly as relevant as the FACT that we ARE indeed HABITUAL CREATURES, and those HABITS are KILLING US.
It is obviously killing us as we tolerate the unbearable.
It is obviously killing us as we stick in the job we hate, doing things that don’t excite us (make us feel dead, rather then alive).
It is obviously killing us as we linger our poisonous relationships, as they poison us, slowly chipping away on our life (aliveness), until we DIE.
And it is obviously killing us, as we choose the REPETITION, the DEAD ROUTINE, over the BLESSING of the UNKNOWN, and this UNKNOWN, this NEW, it is LIFE, and this routine, this… habit… it is DEATH.