
Excuses Only Indicate Confusion

You have many excuses not to do something.

But you want to do this thing.

Or you “have to” do this thing.

You use excuses to escape the doing of the thing, the doing of something. You find temporary comfort in the lie of your excuse.

Until you realise your excuse was… well – just an excuse.

You view it as weakness now.

You work harder.

You think you have to defeat your excuses.

You think it is when you battle – that you are winning battles.

So you battle all the time.

You produce more excuses to battle with.

Stupid nonsense like going to the gym now requires you to watch a retarded motivational video on youtube.

Perhaps something went wrong here.



Excuses are not your “weakness”.

Excuses mean that you are confused.

You don’t know what you want.

You don’t really want what you think you want.

Excuses are only one of the many ways for you to not do what you think you want to do.


You can’t defeat excuses.

By fighting with them you only strengthen them.

Excuses are a product of ignorance. Your belief that you want something else then you do.

As long as you keep battling with your own excuses — you are facilitating the process by which those excuses arise in the first place.

By battling excuses you are further feeding the ignorant paradigm that there is what you want NOW, and what you want TOMORROW.

What you want now is your “excuse”. What you want tomorrow is your “ambition”, your “purpose”.

In reality — there is only what you want NOW.

Therefore, there is no conflict of desires.

Therefore, there is no excuse to not do something — you just do what you want.

The conflict is only there when you think you want something else then what you really want.


Does it mean you should fecklessly succumb to your crude desires and impulses?


You are always free to choose your path, anew, from moment to moment to moment.

This choice does not have to depend on your idea of the future – and in reality – it can’t depend on the “future”, because there is no future.

You resisting your current desire in order to get something tomorrow is simply you resisting your current desire in order to get nothing. There is no tomorrow until there is tomorrow. On a deep level you know this. Hence the conflict. You know that if you struggle right now – you struggle for the rest of your life. The now is everything.

With that said – you can let go of desire without ever resisting it.

Or the desire may never arise.

You don’t free yourself from your impulses by repressing them and struggling and creating an ideal of desirelessness and purity and productivity (lol) and what-not.

You simply are free.

You simply are free in the very moment they arise. Or don’t arise. When you meet them with an unburdened, free mind. Free from hedonistic hope and free from ambitious egotistic hope. Simply pure.