“Fake it till you make it” doesn’t mean “be dishonest”.
“Fake it till you make it” doesn’t mean “be a fraud”.
“Fake it till you make it” doesn’t mean “lie to people”.
“Fake it till you make it” doesn’t mean that you made it.
“Fake it till you make it” is a brilliant psychological tool.
Psyche is a mechanism. It has a certain way of working.
Much of it’s working is beyond the insight of our usual basic consciousness.
Tools such as this help alter habitual thought and behavioural patterns, which could foil our attempts in attaining a certain goal.
“Fake it till you make it” is, to put it simply, based on pretending that you are someone else, capable of something else. You are fooling your own self that you are capable of doing something. By this you are bypassing many limitations, which your own subconscious would put before you, in order to protect you.
Many woo-woo-sounding “approaches” are really aimed at making your subconscious work for you, rather then against you, and for those reasons, are actually quite promising. Optimism, positive thinking, law of attraction… all those DELUSIONAL BELIEFS can nevertheless be a blessing. Delusional belief can be a blessing. Sometimes one needs all the motivation one can get.
Now, obviously those are only half-measures. Those are tricks. Aimed at fooling your own self. But they works notwithstanding. And your goal is bringing that fantasy to reality anyway.
To discover the truth – one obviously has to be free from all delusion. Harbouring delusional beliefs can only breed more delusion.
But to discover the truth – one has to be free from all belief. Be it delusional fantasy, or trauma-based limiting belief.
In that sense, the path to truth is the path to earthly success. Only, that is never the goal. AND the desire (for success) will itself obscure the truth. To want success is already not knowing the truth. ….but thats a different story.
We established that “fake it till you make it” is a useful tool.
It would be intelligent to at least see it as a tool, rather then an end. But even for those who take it too literally, it still works. Or rather – it works even better.
The only problem is – some are actually extrapolating it to ALL DOMAINS OF LIFE, completely literally.
It escapes me how can someone interpret “fake it till you make it” literally. Are they thinking this is an invitation to fool others? To be a liar? To dishonestly make one’s way?
Then again, perhaps it isn’t that surprising. It is, ultimately, a tool based on deception. Is self-deception that much different from all the deception? Deception is deception.
Still I wouldn’t have anticipated someone going around fooling people, having read his Napoleon Hill.
I wasn’t always aware of it but there really are people out there who are unscrupulously dishonest. People out there who will stab you in the back. “Faking it till they made it”. Self-serving perception of the reality. Ultimately they always “make it”, they make the truth their way, they distort it to their interest.
Virtue of integrity is very often asserted as very valueable, in various thought traditions and environments.
I assert inordinate importance of inner integrity – which is the knowing of one own self. Without it there is only darkness.
I can understand now, however, why honesty, “realness”, is so desirable socially.
It is so incredibly rare… and it is so very easy to get fooled.
There are people out there who are “faking it” and are bringing nothing but fake value into your life. Taking something in return.
“Fake it till you make it” doesn’t mean be dishonest.
Beware of these people.