Lifestyle Spirituality

To Feel Superior Is To Feel Inferior

To feel superior is to feel inferior


To want to be “better” is to risk being “worse”


Growth is inextricably linked with insecurity


If you want to win over others — you are also preparing to lose with others


Can you see?

Any time you harbour this pleasing thought of being superior at something, of being better, of doing better — you’re also creating the fact, the though, the reality of being inferior, worse,

The only way to NOT compare unfavourably is to NOT COMPARE period

You can’t compare exclusively favourably


And this is why if you’re feeling insecure — no amount of success and validation and fame can fill that hole

It only gets larger

You’re only creating MORE ways in which to be inadequate

And you’re only acquiring more things you’d wish NOT to lose — thus only taking greater burden upon yourself


If you feel bad about yourself as compared to the world — the ONLY thing to do about it is to COMPLETELY ACCEPT IT — and utterly let go of it


Is this to say we should be complacent?

Obviously not

The REAL GAME is about YOU and ONLY you

It’s you getting something because you WANT IT — not because it would make you COMPARE favourably

I already said — you can’t compare favourably

For every advantageous comparison — you look like SHIT in comparison to something else

That is an utterly futile game

And the world doesn’t give a fuck about you anyway

The only real game is to GET WHAT YOU WANT


It’s also the only REAL GAME

Because only THAT you truly control

You don’t control the others

You only control you


For every prideful though

For every hostile thought

For every conceited though

You pay the tax

You pay the tax of feeling inadequate, inferior, self-conscious



just focus on how you can DO BETTER TODAY

Build something amazing

Challenge yourself with it, make it bigger than the last time

Don’t show it to anyone. You’re doing it for you

Now pour yourself some wine and behold your great work

Experience the deep joy of having been creative, of having WILLED your vision to existence, of having had the POWER to see to it taking shape, under your own hands


THIS is the game to play

When you play that game — you’ve no time for being superior or inferior or any of that fucking nonsense