Philosophy Spirituality World

For Every Person That Agrees With You Find Someone Or Something That Doesn’t

-there’s what you know you don’t agree with

-there’s what you know you agree with

-there’s what you don’t know whether you agree with or disagree with


if you have any tolerance for what you know you disagree with – you are wasting your precious time


Plenty men waste their time

We’re too tolerant

Too polite

We don’t say “NO” nearly often enough

If you had a healthy sense of urgency about life — you wouldn’t say “yes” to nonsense people and nonsense ideas and nonsense activities

There’s no time


There’s what you know you agree with

It’s what you know you can work with

And it’s not much more then that

You already agree with it — therefore there’s nothing more for you to learn, nothing more for you to gain


In fact, what you “know” and agree with can now be but an instrument of your blindness and delusion

Since you assume you know it — you will not question it

Plenty men know everything — only they know nothing — and that’s why this world is so messed up


There’s what you don’t know whether you agree with or disagree with

Now that’s where you should be spending your time

That’s the space for possibility

That’s the space for evolution

That’s the space for creativity

That’s the space for truth discovery


Unfortunately most of us get stuck in the first or second or both

The first sets you on the path of conflict and strife

The second sets you comfortably on the path of ignorance and delusion


It’s a terrible life wasted on disagreement and conflict;

Don’t waste any seconds on criticism and strife

Make your own path


And it’s a terrible life unexamined, ignorant, confused,

Ignorance is the mother of all our problems,

Don’t be ignorant

Find the truth


Go where you DON’T KNOW

Explore what you DON’T KNOW

Learn what you DON’T KNOW

Know what you DON’T KNOW

Life is about the unknown unravelling

Live it while you’re there