Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Followers Consumers Leaders Producers

The elevation from weak follower is not to the courageous leader.

The elevation from mindless consumer is not to the industrious producer.


Leader needs followers.

Producer needs consumers.

Leader is but another side of the follower coin.

Producer is but another side of the consumer coin.

I say – dispense the coins altogether.


You will find the same misery you were running away from in your following and consumeristic daze.

You’re still numbing the internal emptiness.


Who are you leading? An army of sheep? What purpose is of that? How long can you fool yourself this is not the way of the ignorance?

To follow is the way of the ignorance. To lead is to disseminate this very ignorance. You were a follower and now you make followers. You pushed aside your own ignorance of followership – letting others be contracted now. You didn’t solve the problem of ignorance. You aggravated it.


What are you producing? Garbage for others to consume?

Perhaps your creation is genuine and spontaneous.

It’s simple to find out – if it’s motivated by greed – it’s not spontaneous and pure.

You can’t be greedy and spontaneous. It’s impossible. One is the opposite of other.

Whence this desire to create wealth? What’s so amazing about it?

I don’t say shun wealth. That is stupid.

I’m asking – whence this desire to accumulate? How much is too much? How much is enough? How much to give? For how much to gain?

Why are you producing?

You must be productive – don’t you?

You used to productively spend money on garbage – now you productively spend energy on creating products which produce your wealth.

Why this desire to produce?

You think you can produce a substantial ground for your own self, yes?

You are no one and to know this you don’t need religion you don’t need Buddha to tell you or Jesus.

You are no one and you know it. And you desperately run away from this truth.

“Perhaps if you produce more value, perhaps that would make me more real…”


Don’t be the leader.

Don’t be the producer.

Be nothing.

You can produce and you can lead. It will inadvertently happen when you are whole.

But you can only be whole when you have shunned those absurd pursuits.

You are never whole when you’re becoming something. To become is to be torn between what you are and what you ought to be.

When you’re whole you will have known the knowledge few ever grasped,

your every gesture will have been a product of divinity,

only it matters not,

your action is sacred and doesn’t leave a trace,

there’s no label for you for you are beyond all the labels,

Don’t be a leader don’t be a producer don’t be anything at all – just be nothing.

Quit running away from this truth. Embrace it on a deepest level. Let it all go. You shall know true wealth then. True strength then. And you shall know peace.