Philosophy World

Making Fun Of — NOT Allowed

What you can’t make fun of is what you can’t speak of, is what you can’t think of

There’s a terrible oppression concealed behind the veneer of an enlightened, “tolerant” society

Tolerance and equality are the yokes of XXI century

Misunderstood and subverted ideals to push political agendas and alleviate moral qualms and some of that existential anguish


My cat is fucking fat

I poke fun of his fat ass and it’s utter awkwardness

I put him on my lap and scratch his fat belly

My cat is so fat and he’s eating all the time! What a pig!

I wonder if my perception, my ENTIRE relationship with this cat, is but a mirror of my own spitefulness… or perhaps my insecurity?

Oh well


You’re not allowed to think that the fat is fat

That incompetent is incompetent

That lazy is lazy

That unattractive is unattractive

That stupid is stupid

That weak is weak

That it’s NOT OK

If you’re not allowed to say it then you’re really not allowed to think it

And if you think there ought to be a gap between what you think and what you say — then you’re really doomed — and no wonder we can’t create meaningful relationships. Romantic or business or anything.


What happens when you’re not allowed to think what you think?

Do I have to spell it our for you?

THIS is THE oppression

And it’s a perfect one. Because it’s one we impose on ourselves BY ourselves


Because we ourselves don’t want to be judged,

From one direction we are attacked by UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS,

and from the other, as a response, we spam each other with notions of acceptance and tolerance and feel-good,

“You can’t say that!!”

“You’re MEAN!”


I can say whatever the fuck I want to say

I will make fun of whoever the fuck I want to make fun of

I will be offensive

The very reason you don’t want me to is the reason I will do it. It’s called reactance

It’s not about me being mean — although it could be,

It’s about the FREEDOM TO BE MEAN

It’s about freedom



This is the appeal of black humour, or offensive humor, or being offensive in the first place,

It’s but a call for freedom


Now, should someone truly free care to flaunt his apparent freedom this way?

Yes. No. Yes and no.

Your opposing itself is reacting. Opposing is just another side of accepting. This is no true freedom.

Freedom is you neither going with it nor against it.

With that said — you are a member of the society,

You communicate with others

You will convey yourself — and experience others conveying themselves (or at least what they think they are, which is some meme)

They will respond to you and you will respond to them.

And what I will do is I will say whatever I think of whatever is being spoken of,

And I will jape about it and laugh about it and make fun of it,

I will be enthusiastic about expressing my opinion because i am enthusiastic about being ME, and LIVING MY LIFE

And to celebrate this enthusiasm even more — I will BLOW it all out of proportions: my individuality, my opinion, my view… and how it clashes with the opposite view, the opposite side

(since a concept is distinguishable from others in all the ways it’s DIFFERENT — so does INDIVIDUAL derive his INDIVIDUALISM from EVERYTHING HE’S NOT)

I will blow it out of proportions and make FUN of all I don’t want to be, of all I disagree with, of all I’m NOT


I will blow it out of proportions and make FUN of all I don’t want to be, of all I disagree with, of all I’m NOT

And it’s a good thing

You get to know me, the true me.

All the interpersonal problems stem from people NOT being real — which is basically deception, fraud.

You don’t have to like me. If you don’t like the true me — I probably wouldn’t like the true you either.

I will blow it out of proportions and make FUN of all I don’t want to be, of all I disagree with, of all I’m NOT,

I will be insensitive — only am I really?

I will laugh at myself all the same

When you can’t laugh at yourself and your shortcomings — that really only means that you’re too weak to face them, to own them

I own my shortcomings — and have no trouble laughing at them,

When I laugh at myself — I laugh at the BEAUTY of POSSIBILITIES, of all I could became, of all that could happen…

And when I laugh at you — I share that same sense of wonder, sense of adventure, sense of exhilaration and love,


Therefore FUCK all that seriousness and correctness

Being YOU is far more important,

Having a LAUGH is far more important,

Being serious and correct and inoffensive is weak and futile and disingenuous

Have all the fun under the sun, using whatever makes you smile — and don’t worry if it doesn’t accord with every single fool out there. You’ve your own life to live.


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