Philosophy World

Function and Dysfunction

There’s function and dysfunction

(let’s define “function” as the opposite of dysfunction)

-to function is to function well

-to dysfunction is to function unwell

-to function unwell is to eventually NOT function, to eventually fail

-to function well is to survive and thrive, and continue functioning, and functioning well


Usually dysfunction is quickly revealed. Inability is quickly revealed:

Something attempts to function, alas it is dysfunctional — therefore it fails — therefore it ceases the attempt. Attempt which was futile anyway and didn’t at any moment pass as functioning well, as functional, as productive, as useful, as correct

-E.g. locomotive is broken. It starts and goes for a few miles but then it stops and that’s the end of it.

But sometimes dysfunction is concealed


Sometimes the malfunctioning part is compensated by other parts of the whole. It’s malfunction is then concealed. Since the whole is functional and healthy and productive — the malfunctioning part is concealed, or even considered functional and healthy — deriving this quality from the whole

-Sometimes the parasite is concealed

-Sometimes something is short-term functional and long-term dysfunctional

-Sometimes the appearance is suggestive of functionality (attractive appearance of competence and ability, etc) — but reality is that of dysfunction

-Sometimes the poison is hidden


The dysfunction must obviously be cut out, by definition. It’s dysfunctional, which means it is adverse to functionality, to success, to desired outcomes

The problem is of course knowing that there is, indeed, a dysfunction

That it is, indeed, a dysfunction (and not perhaps a function)

And then how to get rid of it, exactly


Now, this is extremely difficult

The hidden dysfunction is hidden for a reason. It’s invisible for a reason.

Perhaps it appears really functional, and under closer inspection it’s dysfunction is revealed

Or perhaps it appears dysfunctional upon closer inspection — but the suspicion is precluded by the very successful functioning of the whole

It really IS difficult

If the whole works — but it’s part appears to be slightly dysfunctional — this by no means entails that one should intervene

The whole fucking works,

You may think that it could work better if you fixed it parts,

But you don’t truly know how the organism is going to react to those changes,

Perhaps those perceived bugs ACTUALLY ARE the features,

So again: I am by no means suggesting naive interventionism, and boldness in eradicating perceived dysfunction


But there obviously are hidden dysfunctions which really are deleterious,

They are hidden for a reason — therefore once you find them — you will be incredulous, confused

You must not disregard it

Some things hide by being small, some things hide by being large. Anything can be hidden in plain sight.

You must not disregard it — or you will be doing so to the detriment

You must inspect it, extremely closely

It might have been hidden all this time but now that you see the devil — you can destroy it


And again:

You must be very careful in regards to how that perceived dysfunction relates to other variables in the equation

But once you have determined that — you must not be too shy with taking the necessary steps


You don’t have to know why something doesn’t work in order to know that it doesn’t work.

Once you know it doesn’t work — get the fuck rid of it


Once you know it doesn’t work — get the fuck rid of it

Dysfunction is dysfunctional by definition.

Don’t be shy with eradicating it ruthlessly.

There comes a moment when creative destruction is necessary.

To move forward you must remove some of the weight holding you back. Cut out the impediment.

This will sometimes entailing throwing away too much, damaging too much. Sometimes even eradicating the whole,

But then it is rebuilt. Stronger, better, more functional.