Lifestyle World

funny = intelligent + positive + confident

funny = intelligent + positive + confident


Intelligence is humans first adaptive mechanism which caused us to conquer the earth

It’s useful, and it’s tested (by evolution — therefore attractive)


Positive means a good life means success


Confident means in control and powerful


This is why humour is so attractive, if you ever wondered


Now the only thing people get wrong about it is they try to fake it, or try to understand it (and understand it wrong) rather then feel

Humour is supposed to be self-expression, AND context-relevant

When it’s not self-expression then it’s fake

When it’s not context-relevant then it’s not intelligent, not observant


This is why a terse remark can be far more amusing then long elaborate joke. Humour must be relevant to situation. This is how it revels intelligence, keen eye, discernment and control

Long elaborate joke, on the other hand, is just second-hand and sub-par. It at best reveals at attempt at having fun (which is still better then being sad)


Express yourself. It’s not only attractive — but it’s the only way to build an honest world

Be present wherever you are to whatever you do to whoever you’re with. If you’re halfway there then you’re nowhere then you’re dead. Be present, alive, vibrant.

Have some fun. Smile. You’re going to die tomorrow. There’s NO TIME. Smile now or you never smile

Be funny. For fun’s sake, for yourself, and for the world’s sake too.