Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Glimmer Of Meaning Is Far More Compelling Then Either Greed Or Need Is

We are nothing but hopeless drunks.

Our drug – the MEANING.


We do everything for the MEANING.

Any meaning.

We just want something, anything, to believe in.

We do everything for any meaning.


We might be fooled to believe that our motivations really are prosaic – that we are just a GREEDY bunch, we want more cars more TVs more money more garbage.

We might be fooled to believe that our motivation really is this harsh reality of life – the endless obligations and responsibilities that have mounted upon us, feeding our family, providing it with a shelter, and the times are always hard and it is always a crisis and we always work 9-5, for the entire history of (modern) civilisation…


Our real motivation is just… THE MEANING.

The EGO is DEAD without the meaning.

The LIFE is EMPTY without the meaning.

We are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of either transcending the ego, or accepting the complete emptiness of life.


We do anything for any meaning.

We abuse ourselves – for the meaning!

We slave ourselves – for the meaning!

We mortify ourselves – for the meaning!

We sacrifice ourselves – for the meaning!

We are not starving.

We are not dying.

We are not even that greedy.

We just want

a tiniest


of meaning

in this darkness of existence.