Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

God Is Always Watching

I like the concept that “GOD always watching”


We lie to ourselves all the time


It’s only when we know we can’t get away with the lie, is when we get serious

-when it’s important

-when someone’s watching, and knows


By the way, why do we lie to ourselves?


It’s not even that we make deliberate choice to LIE,

The reality is that truth depends on context


E.g. when you’re sleeping — are you being lazy? (and offending god with your indolence?)

Depends on the context

If you’re sleeping while your children are cold and hungry — perhaps it’s not the best time to sleep

If you’re sleeping after day of hunting and chopping wood — perhaps it’s time to rest


When I say you LIE to yourself — it really actually only means that you’re conflicted

You think you should be doing one thing, but you also feel like doing another thing, and there’s an unresolved conflict between those two

And the lie is just this unwillingness to admit that there is this conflict

And resolve it, once and for good


Resolve it once and for good means you decide you are doing WHAT YOU WANT TO DO right now — at the expense of what you thought you should have been doing

OR it means the opposite — you will DO YOUR DUTY now, and consciously forego doing what you want


Resolving it is not easy

Until you have no other choice

When it’s important

or when someone’s watching

like God


Thus the concept of god becomes useful

God is watching and god knows

God is judging

You can’t bullshit god

You can’t pretend you’re something that you’re not

You can’t pretend you’re doing something that you’re not

You have to embrace the truth, or burn in hell



Perhaps you don’t need god

Perhaps you yourself can watch you

Perhaps you yourself can be your judge

And perhaps you yourself will be the one to make you honest

Perhaps you yourself can be god


Because it is what it is

Taking responsibility is the first and the last step

It’s the only step

You make a goal — you take responsibility

You make a plan — you take responsibility

You execute that plan — you take responsibility

You fail or you succeed — you take responsibility

You LEARN AND IMPROVE — you had taken responsibility

You improve and SUCCEED — and create something wonderful

Now you are god

It’s ONLY about responsibility

Now you are god

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