Goodness is simple
You have a person in front of you
How do you treat that person?
Are you making that person happy?
Are you making that person smile?
Are you helping that person?
Are you benefiting that person?
Are you leaving that person better than you found them?
Or is it the opposite?
Morality is a distraction
Law is a distraction
Code is a distraction
Ideology is a distraction
Religion is a distraction
Unless you treat others well — you are just distracting yourself with guidelines and laws and ideologies and philosophies.
You may be a saint in the light of your stupid religion but you are a terrible human being.
You may be benefiting the world tremendously with your genius but you’re a nightmare to those around you.
The religion should keep feeding off your obedience and the world should keep feeding off your productivity but your relationships, our relationships, which is the society — will remain foul, rotten.
Because we don’t treat each other well,
Because we think politics is more important. Because we think success is more important. Because we think some arbitrary code is more important.
And this is why we know nothing of love. Nothing of goodness.
Therefore, please be simple
Treat others well first
Don’t escape to ideas don’t escape to god don’t escape to those mirages
Just treat the real, breathing person in front of you well.
This is how we make the world a better place.