Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Gratitude Cures Ambition


Gratitude cures ambition.


Why would you cure ambition?

Would you not want to achieve something?


You precisely don’t want.

You want nothing.

You neither want nor don’t want success. There is no attachment. No desire.

This is the beginning of freedom.


I view ambition as this hunger. Why be hungry? Why suffer? Do you have to starve in order to eat? Do you have to be ambitious in order to ACT?


Gratitude cures ambition. The moment of gratitude, the moment of recognition – takes you away from the mind-made “future” and puts you in the NOW. There is no ambition without the future.


Gratitude is ultimately a part of consciousness. When you are conscious – you SEE. Gratitude is inherent within this perception.


Cultivation of gratitude is a lovely trick! You reap the benefits of happiness and tranquillity BEFORE you became conscious, or “enlightened”, or whatever.

Thus be grateful!
