
Show Me Your Habits, And I’ll Tell You Who You Are

You are judged based on your job, your education, your bank account, your face your cloths your car your house your wife your dog your parents your friends blablabla

90% of judging is futile. 90% of judging is a waste of time. 90% of judging is really us judging our own selves, in the relation to others. We want to feel good about ourselves, therefore we judge others, for its only by placing one thing next to other, that you can measure which one is ‘higher’… and you always want to be ‘higher’.

But yes, then there’s the 10% of judging, that is entirely different, certainly. Perhaps its only 1%. Its when the judgment serves a tangible, impersonal, professional purpose. Its when it’s part of the decision-making process. Its when we judge others to learn how to deal with them.

Now, you may judge them by their job education bank account and all the rest of it…

You can do this, if you want an easy answer, a conventional one, and a crude and inaccurate one too.

I tell you – if you really want a practical measure of a man – look at their habits.

Basically, see how their day looks like. How they approach things. How they deal with things. Excellence is a habit, therefore judge excellence by studying one’s habits.

There is no measure more accurate.