Philosophy World


You can’t be a half-leader.

A half-leader can’t lead you.


The job of the leader is making decisions.

The job of the follower is following.

If the follower doesn’t intend to follow — then he’s not a follower.

The two of you can create a different kind of relationship: but it is not a one in which there is a leader.


Of course leader doesn’t have to lead and make decisions in every matter. That’s what followers/employers/contractors are for (other matters).

But those matters in which he leads — he MUST LEAD. He must absolutely be the one to make decisions — and no one else. Otherwise he’s not a leader.


And of course certain types of relationships absolutely require leadership.


Good decisions or bad decisions — someone must make them — and take responsibility for them.

And then learn from his successes and learn from his mistakes.

While the followers/employees can focus on their own duties. And perhaps leadership over their own followers/employees. And learning from their own mistakes.


And there is no such thing as a half-leader.

To half-lead is to half-decide and half-take responsibility.

You can’t half-take responsibility. Half-taking responsibility is NOT taking responsibility.

And what happens when no one takes responsibility?

Then no one learns.

Therefore no one improves.

Therefore nothing improves.

Instead it deteriorates.


There must be someone (or something) to take responsibility — so that it’s clear WHAT DECISIONS WERE MADE, WHY THEY WERE MADE — and what their CONSEQUENCES WERE.

When that is known — conclusions can be drawn — and lessons can be learned.


Leadership happens at any scale: from running a large corporation to taking your dog out for a walk.

Therefore at any scale, at any situation — you’ll come across the degeneration of leadership into half-leadership.

Recognize the problem and take the burden of being the leader.

Or extricate yourself from the situation.


Of course it’s not always so clear. Sometimes the nominal leader is no true leader. Then of course he acts like a “half-leader”. Instead you must locate the true leader — and decide if he’s truly leading.

But if you can’t find the true leader then there’s no true leader. Only the half-leader, and a bunch of fractional-leaders.

And in that case there is confusion

And you preferably should extricate yourself from such situation.


Avoid half-leaders and the sinking ship they half-lead.

Don’t fucking be a half-leader. Take the burden of being the true leader.