Lifestyle Philosophy

Happy For Others, Envious Of Others

You’re envious of others if you believe they gain and possess at the expense of you gaining and possessing

You’re happy for others if you believe you gain when they gain


Material resources


Status, recognition











At any one of those matters you may feel lacking

When you’re lacking — of course you believe that the world is lacking

(if it wasn’t lacking (was abundant with it) — then why are you lacking?)

And if you are lacking and the world is lacking — then those that are not lacking — surely gained it at the expense of others

And you’re envious and maybe you’re resentful

And some of us even decide to take from others, without giving

And they don’t view it as wrong. What they view as “wrong” is themselves lacking — when someone else isn’t lacking


Opposite happens when you’re not lacking

You believe that the world isn’t lacking either

(Actually you often overestimate the extent to which something is available — and underestimate your own privilege and good fortune)

You’re not lacking and the world isn’t lacking — of course you want others to NOT be lacking either

You feel great about someone “making” it. You feel great about someone doing great.

It not only doesn’t threaten you, and your own “having” and “being” — it actually reinforces your reality


Make no mistake: many of the “having” are actually lacking

Or you can be lacking in one aspect and having in another

And it can be confusing where you’re lacking and where you’re having

I said: When you’re “having”, when you’re being, when you’re NOT LACKING, when you’re abundant — then you are HAPPY FOR OTHERS

THIS is the true indicator

And if you feel envious of others — then you’re actually lacking

This dichotomy clears out the confusion

And there is confusion because we ourselves are confused

We try to compensate our not-having by having in other domains


We try to compensate our not-having by having in other domain

You don’t accept yourself so you seek acceptance of others

You feel poor within so you become rich without

You regret past failures so you seek more and more successes to alleviate this regret

You’re an ignorant fool so you get a degree


You learn the truth about your compensatory behaviours and escapes and insecurities if you just audit HOW YOU ACTUALLY FEEL


Are you looking for your BROTHER TO GAIN?

Would you rather EXTEND the DISTANCE between YOU and the others — or would you rather TAKE THEM UP, and close that distance?

Answers those questions and you’ll learn if you’re actually having, actually successful, actually happy

Answers those questions and you’ll learn if you’re actually improving your situation — or just compensating , therefore escaping


..Strangely enough — This works in reverse:

When you’re happy for others — you bring MORE of that for yourself

When you’re grateful and satisfied and happy — you bring MORE of that for yourself

If your attitude to having, and those having — if your attitude is negative — you will invariably have a hard time engaging in those same behaviours which would engender that outcome

Essentially: your mental attitude to something becomes self-reinforcing, addictive

This is why “positive thinking” works, even fucking law of attractions works: because you are imbuing your mind and spirit with the attitude and mentality of someone FIT to “having” it, FIT to being “abundant”

Basically, when you envy someone — you automatically condemn them. Thus condemning the behaviours and attitudes which ENGENDERED them “having” and being successful in the first place

but if you love them instead…

If you feel happy for them instead,

Then you will experience no resistance to making that change yourself

You will experience no resistance to being more LIKE them yourself

It will be natural, effortless even

Because you are already experiencing positive emotions in regards to that idea of “having” — you’re ALREADY HAPPY FOR THEM

And positive emotions of course are there to facilitate the right actions — with the negative serving the opposite role (avoidance)


So please understand

Your envy, your condemnation, your antagonism to others — it is a mirror of your own self

It means you’re lacking, starving

And it means you’ll continue lacking, starving

Unless you change your mind

And look at others with love and appreciation and gratitude

And then you will be able to learn from them

And then you will be able to do as well as they do

And then you will be able to give

And then you will be able to receive