Most of us know nothing of the passion.
We talk all day about it and it is exactly what it is — just TALK.
We never live our passion, we never live passionately.
When there is ACTION then there’s nothing to talk about, nothing to think about – just ACTION.
We never live our passion — we only talk about it, watch movies about it, read book about it, dream of it.
For a passionate person — action is effortless.
When you are passionate about something — you just DO. There is not a question of discipline, of effort, of motivation.
For a passionate person — there is no such ideal as “HARD WORK”.
Nothing is hard for a passionate person. There is not even “work”… just action.
We are never passionate, we are never fucking spontaneous, hence we need the entire monster of discipline, the entire perversion of external motivation, the entire violent coercion of the system, to ever even get anything done. Hence, we need an ideal of “HARD WORK”.
“Hard work” is when the passion is NOT.
All the “hustling” and “grinding” and all the rest of this boastful nonsense — it only ever makes any sense if you are unable to act in the first place.
Really, the only upside of this entire “HARD WORK MENTALITY” is just level of commitment.
Had you not created an ideal of “hard working”, you would simply be unable to even stick to something.
What happened to the genuine passion?
Passion is when there is admiration. Passion is when there is appreciation. Passion is when there is freedom. You can’t force yourself to be passionate — passion can only be spontaneous.
But we are never spontaneous. We can’t be. We are only ever focused on ourselves, on our endless acquisition, endless chase after something. Spontaneity has no direction but we crave direction. Direction gives meaning to our lives, it provides the framework in which we can grow our monstrous egos, in which we can breed our illusions.
We are never spontaneous hence we are never passionate. We do everything in order to GET SOMETHING, in order to BECOME SOMETHING, and all ends utterly destroy spontaneity, all ends destroy genuine passion.