
Healthy Relationship With Fear

Fear is not completely illusionary. It’s usually 90% illusionary


It’s better to be wrong 9 times out of 10 and live then be right 9 times out of 10 and die

Fear is duly overcompensating

You should learn from that ancient, evolutionary mechanism

It’s the one whose over-prepared and overreacting that survives


With that said, obviously most fear today is inappropriate

You are scarcely going to die (about a single time and probably not so soon!)

Man is man’s worst enemy — but he’s not going to take your life any more — he just wants to take your money

Don’t worry


Don’t brush off fear

Again — if not fear — you would be dead. You wouldn’t even have lived because your ancestors wouldn’t have reproduced in time. Fear is great. You owe it


Even today fear has an element of truth in it

Will there be some repercussions of thing you fear turning true?

There will be

Probably 10% the magnitude of your original fear — but not 0%. 10% of fear is probably real


Don’t expect it to be pleasant. 10% of the unpleasant is not yet pleasant. It will likely be a little unpleasant.


Fearless man are exactly that — fear-less. They ain’t conquering no fears. They are smiling because that’s what they’re good at — smiling and pretending. They don’t conquer no fears. Fearless can’t conquer fear. Those fearless man are simply fear-avoiding. Fear-free in their boring phony lives


You need a healthy relationship with fear

You mustn’t avoid fear. Fear is part of life. All fear is fear of the unknown (which is fear of death) — and unknown itself is life.

You mustn’t disregard fear. Fear is meaningful. Fear can mean life or death — and fear can mean great choice or terrible choice.

You must calibrate to your fear. Nothing is as fearsome as the fear itself. Understand that

Fearlessness is no ideal. Courage is. Courage is not fearlessness and courage is not noble. Courage is basically an intelligent action, in SPITE of pushback.

Know that fear dissipates once it’s challenged. Process can take a while but you can count on it. Nothing in life fails to get boring. Your own fears will get unbearably boring with time. You will long yet for the thrilling excitement of fear


Accept fear

Enjoy fear

Have a healthy relationship with fear