Philosophy World

So You Heard There Is Something Wrong With The World


You heard there is something wrong with the world


You might have seen a lot in your life — but instead of focusing on everything that you’ve seen — you take this HEARSAY — and decide to focus on that


You might have done a lot in your life and you might have actual control over some things — but instead of focusing on all this which you DO control — you take this HEARSAY — and decide to focus on that


You had seen all the injustice and you yourself have lived so imperfectly — but now you take this HEARSAY — and believe that THIS is the problem to focus on:

Whatever it is that you heard is WRONG with the world


And the icing on the cake is:

Your idea of “making a change” is:

-running on the streets,

-talking and expressing your heartfelt condemnation

-writing a few lines on social media

-sharing a link

-maybe putting on some t-shirt

This is your idea of making a change

This is what you believe is more important than all the evil and injustice and ignorance you’ve actually seen, and you’ve actually contributed to


Please explain to me how this is possible

Please explain to me how this is not self-delusion, not distraction, not projection, not denial