Hostility is violence
To want to see someone “get what he deserves”, “get punished”, “be taken down a peg”, is to be violent.
To insult someone, to mock someone, to deride someone, is to be violent.
To not want the best for your fellow human beings, for your brothers, for your enemies, is to be violent.
To not want someone to improve is to want someone to decline
Which is to want someone hurt
It doesn’t matter how you do it
You can beat him up, take a few teeth, break a bone or two,
Or you can break his soul
Or you can break his ego, just a little
Or you can spoil his mood, just for a minute
You can give him the look
Why would you give him the look? What’s the point?
Why are you so violent?
Because you are indeed violent
You go about your life, civil and polite, wouldn’t hurt a fly,
You wouldn’t get violent — you’re too civilised
You conduct your violence non-physically
You just talk shit
You criticise
You mock
You’re mean
Why would you be mean?
Do happy people look mean? Why are you so insistent on being so mean (if not because you’re not so happy)?
We’re all violent
We’re just ignorant of our own violence
To not want the best for your brother is to be violent
Look around you: everyone has shit to say on this man and that politician and this personality and that folk walking down the street
Would you really talk shit if you wanted the best for them?
You would express your opinion, obviously. You would convey yourself, obviously. But would there be any hostility in it?
Do you harbour any hostility for the stupid dog chasing his own tail? Do you mock him and hate him and despise him for his foolishness and ineffectiveness?
We’re all violent
Given means — we’d give expression to this violence
Men go to war and turn into monsters? It’s merely their innate violence finding an outlet.
We’re all violent
That’s because we’re weak
It takes tremendous strength to cease one’s inner movement of violence
First one surrenders desire to drag others down (with no gain to himself)
Then one surrenders desire to take himself up at the expense of others
And eventually one himself takes himself up
And then finally one becomes so powerful, so powerful that there really is nothing else left but to take others up
And the notion of putting others down becomes preposterous
And the notion of needing to get one up on others, to somehow climb over them, it becomes preposterous. This is not a zero-sum game.
And the notion of expanding one’s advantage over them becomes preposterous. Why would you do that? It’s lonely without them, and they are just like you.
…but this takes tremendous strength
Strength we lack
Strength we lack
For as long as we’re struggling with our own problems — there’s this tincture of VIOLENCE within us
There’s this trace of an ignorant, delusional BITCH within us — that wants to blame others for our shortcomings — and somehow imagines that taking them down would be a solution
And for as long as we’re struggling with our own problems — how could we have strength for higher callings?
You will be petty you will be mean you will be deceitful you will be violent. This is because you’re confused, you’re struggling, you’re NOT happy, you’ve YOUR OWN PROBLEMS
I don’t expect anything more from you. I understand
What I would like us to do is just to become AWARE of this latent violence
And I want us to do is to let go of it, when we can
We still have our problems, we’re not perfect
But at least now we have this one distraction less
You believed your criticism was founded but likely it wasn’t. Likely you’re just petty, small
You believed he “deserved it” but likely he didn’t. He’s just confused. Can’t you show him a better way?
You believed that person did not deserve your sympathy or kindness — but you have no notions what he’s been through. Please be kind.
Which is why you FAIL to perceive this world as one, with enlightened unconditional love…!
But you can go about solving your problems — without the burden of this animalistic, inbred VIOLENCE
You just have to admit it to yourself: You are violent. You’re small, you’re petty, and you’d like to see them go down. For a small gain for yourself or not even that much.
Please admit that there’s a part of you that embraces such basal attitudes — and you don’t need it any more. You can surrender it.
And get over all this antagonism in your life, all negativity, all criticism, all judgement, get over it all
You still have your problems — but you will solve them,
Get over all this violence now, we’re better then that