

HUMAN’s condition is a balance of:

STRESS, TENSION, and release


-joys and pleasures and WELLNESS and fulfilment


Besides your long term goals — it’s IMPERATIVE you maintain yourself in GOOD CONDITION — by matching those NEEDS

-if you don’t — you’ll quickly hate your life

+you’ll CRACK in your pursuits anyway


Stress and tension are the most straight-forward.

We tense up to perform something.

This tension must be dissipated

If it’s not — it has adverse effects on the mind and body.


ENERGY is more complicated.

You can be physically tired, mentally tired, will-power tired, “burnout” tired…

I believe there are arbitrarily many types of energy.

Furthermore you can make yourself believe that you’re tired.

I suggest always pushing the limit of one’s energy — while simultaneously strategically balance the type of energy you are relying on at given moment

Have time of intense decision-making, have time of learning, have time of figuring things out, have time of expanding physical energy levels (exercise and diet), have time of negotiating, have time of networking and socialising. All require slightly different kind of energy


Finally pleasure

Tension, energy, pleasure — are all interconnected

E.g. tension alone can make you feel more tired, and burn your energy

Or if your work is well organised into manageable and attainable goals — you can perhaps attain flow — whereby quick feedback loop gives you recurring spike of pleasure, spike of dopamine — which in turn energises you, gives you access to MORE energy

Or pleasure can help relieve tension

Or pleasure can actually distract you from tension — thus contributing to increasing levels of it, rather than decreasing

Or it can distract you from work— which in turn will impede your goals — which in turn will lower your spirits

Though pleasure can also lift your spirits, when everything is serious and effortful and deliberate

Likewise too much tension will both ruin your work, sabotage your focus — and ruin your spirits, take the joy away from your life

Finally: having more energy in the first place — makes you tense less when overcoming various challenges, as well as leaves more room to experience joy and pleasure, deriving it from ANYTHING that you do

It’s all interconnected indeed


Thus you must be strategic in selecting activities which address the IMBALANCE at the moment

Consider any given thing holistically, consider how it should impact each of those properties:

-you stress levels, your tenseness

-your energy levels

-your sense of well-being

As well as how those 3 are balanced — since imbalance in one of those can be dragging the other two down


We are human and we can WILL our character, our mood, our energy level