Philosophy Spirituality

I Win

You can be better than me

You can beat me, win over me

The whole world can beat me, win over me

I don’t give a fuck

It only matters that I WIN

And then it only matters that the rest of the world wins


I can be the worst in the world,

It doesn’t matter

I don’t fight the world

I don’t play against the world

I only care if I WIN

I play the game WITH ME

I want to maximize me, elevate me

I am what I tangibly improved today, in my life


This is the true meaning of CHOOSING ONESELF

This is the outcome

The result of focusing on you is… that you FOCUS ON YOU. Not on anything else


It’s NOT a rebellious clown saying “fuck the world”

You don’t “fuck the world”. You ARE the world.

It’s not an insecure pussy saying “I really don’t give a fuck what you think of me”.

You don’t don’t give a fuck what someone thinks of you. You have no attitude regarding others thinking of you whatsoever. Like you don’t have an attitude about what some DOG thinks of you. You don’t go and tell a dog that you “don’t give a fuck what it thinks of you”. It doesn’t even cross your mind. You just DO YOUR THING.


Someone truly so dedicated to himself, he actually is some MOST PEACEFUL, LOVING person there is,

He’s no “rebel”, no “gangster”, no, none of that nonsense.

-He doesn’t feel “better” than you — he is merely himself

-He doesn’t want to “prove” himself — he just is

-He doesn’t want to be “right” — he knows what he knows

-He doesn’t want to “beat” you, do better than you — he just wants to do better than himself.

-He doesn’t “have a quarrel” with you — he does what he does and you can join him or you can leave

-He doesn’t need your respect — he has his own

-He doesn’t “hold a grudge” ,doesn’t feel offended or mistreated — he is who he is and what you think is what you think. And you’ll cooperate or not.


You may ask, “what if his interests are conflicted with mine”?

To truly be FOCUSED ON ONESELF is to focus within

Such man should peacefully and cooperatively solve his outside problems — then focus within

There is no conflict of interests — because your interests barely interest him

It’s actually those that fail to truly focus on THEMSELVES, on WHAT THEY CAN DO, on RESPONSIBILITY THEY HAVE TOWARDS THEMSELVES — it’s those people that will want to play those ZERO SUM GAMES, put you down, win OVER you, at your expense

One truly focused on himself, he’s peaceful and loving


How is he loving?

Because there comes a moment when the only way for him to enlarge himself is by giving

By becoming more than he currently is,

Ultimately by dying of his ego and becoming the whole

Which will be by SERVING The whole, and not himself,

But before that happens he will have to solve his problems,

he will have to WIN

WIN the game of being oneself,

and you should do that too

focus on that game and no other game


So start with becoming conscious of the nonsense competitive and comparative programs that were installed in your subconscious

-Be right or wrong (to the world), doesn’t matter

-Be the best or worst (to the world), doesn’t matter

-Be accepted or rejected, doesn’t matter

just understand what it TRULY MEANS to CHOOSE ONESELF, and that it’s not what you thought it was,

The rebellion is NOT this struggle against the world. It’s absolutely the opposite. It’s the END OF ALL STRUGGLES

And it’s you choosing you