Philosophy Spirituality

Idealisation Is Escapism

Idealisation is escapism

There’s nothing “ideal” about idealisation. It’s simply avoidance of reality.


There’s nothing ideal about idealisation. Nothing aesthetic about it.

Reality is all there is and is therefore perfect.

Idealisation is escapism and nothing else.


CREATION has nothing to do with idealisation.

What is ever created — future or past — is REAL. Therefore it is not “ideal”, it is not an “idea”, and it is not an “idealisation”.


Idealisation is the opposite of action.

What is acted upon is real.

What is idealised is not-real.

It’s impossible to idealise something you have actual contact with. Reality obviously dispels illusions.


When we idealise we don’t act.

Idealisation betrays our inaction.

As such it betrays UNWILLINGNESS to ever bring about the “dream”.

Idealisation precludes success.


Observe mankind for yourself and see that the one who acts is not the one to idealise

He may be the one to dream, perhaps (but not without actively realising that dream)

But he’s not the one to idealise

Not the one to idolise

One who acts deals with too much reality to find time for mirages


Observe mankind and see that talkers are not doers and theorists and not practitioners and those who indulge in IDEALISATIONS are not the one to ACT, and not the one to know REALITY.