Philosophy Spirituality

The More You Idealise The More You Demonize


the more you idealise the more you demonize


this is because idealisation and demonization are basically the same

both are perversions, distortions of reality


idealisation is not the opposite of demonization

the opposite of idealisation is reality

and the opposite of demonization is reality


please see for yourself:

-those who idealise are as quick to demonize

-those who create rankings inherently create angels, at the top, and demons, in fucking hell

-the more someone is into ideology the more he idealises it, the more blind he is, and the more he despises it’s opponents, and uncritically

-the more you rely on a single idea or single philosophy or single thing or single person — the more vulnerable you are, the more vulnerable to go straight to hell, once bereaved of that very thing

-the stories are overflowing with drama of great heroes and great villains: but not the real life, which is everything between black and white, every shade of grey


once you know something, see something, you don’t seek to change it, you don’t seek to alter it

“it is what it is”, you say

it’s only when you don’t see, is when you seek to fill the gaps

you like to fill the gaps with nonsense — it makes you feel more certain about the world

you pretend you know what you don’t know — and in this delusion you seek refuge


and some of us need that refuge more then others

some of us can’t bear any unknown

they will immediately seek to deny it

like we deny death

some of us don’t deny and don’t presume and don’t attempt to known what they can’t know

but the rest of us can’t suffer the unknown

and then they fill the gaps

and then they idealise and demonize…


…and the more they idealise the more they demonize

because this is elementary the same: their denial of the unknown

their addiction to the comfort of delusion


…but we all have it to some extent

we go through world and there is all this uncertainty and unknown

and decisions must be made

and decisions must be made and be made under incomplete information

and information is never fully complete

so you bite the bullet

and hope

and look at what you know

and deal with that you don’t know

and do what you can do, anyway

and only once you did it, now you know

you are facing a challenge and you accept it and you deal with it

successfully or not — now you learn


…but if you don’t face it — you don’t learn

and you don’t know

and you want to know

but you can’t know, not unless you’ve learnt

therefore you fantasize and idealise and demonize


and you will fantasise and idealise and demonize

unless you go ahead and ACTUALLY DO IT,




and for the last time: it’s one and the same

there’s nothing cheerful about your idealisation

there’s nothing “sceptical” or careful about your demonization

you’re just a deluded stupid fool who has no contact with reality

tomorrow your angels will turn to demons


get over this angels business and demons business

there’s no time

there is real life to be live