Philosophy Spirituality

Identity Is The Ultimate Limitation

Your identity comprises of beliefs.

In fact, identity itself is a belief. Belief that you are (something permanent). That some part of you stays unchanged with time. You change – but it’s still the same you. Only, there is no you. Not now not tomorrow. “You” is so ephemeral that it can’t even exist now – it was yesterday and it’s gone now. There is only change.


Identity is sustained with beliefs.

You go through life seeing things, learning things, remembering things – and then, out of those pieces of information – you create a doctrine. And out there, somewhere, in the centre of it all – is YOU. The great you.

The visions themselves are rather simple. There’s some sunrise and some sunset and so forth. There’s some tree and a some fucking dog. There are many things and certain sets of patterns and you name them, having seen them before.

At first real things turn into words. At some point words turn into thoughts. And thoughts turn into ideas, systems, ideologies, beliefs

Out there, somewhere, identity emerges. Together with the aforementioned. At that point you have identity – you also have beliefs. In fact, it’s all fluidly linked. Difficult to say when your thought separates from your identity. Perhaps it never does? Perhaps every thought uttered post-identity is already part of that identity?


Whatever happens to you – you turn it into belief. Whatever you turn into belief – finds it’s way to your identity.

Something good happened to you – believe there was a reason for it.

Something bad happened to you – believe there was a reason for it.

Happiness – you look for explanation.

Unhappiness – you look for explanation.

The process is only partially conscious. Most of it goes subconscious. You already have a lot of ideas about what you should do and shouldn’t do – and you have no idea of their existence. It perplexes you to find yourself “being your worst enemy” – but it happens all the time. For you’re so incomplete. Your conscious ever at odds with your unconscious, and your unconscious itself at odds with itself. And then the conscious at odds with the rest of the world.


This entire naming and explaining and concluding and judging process – it’s a vicious trap.

The original purpose of remembering and learning is survival. It is quite useful to remember not to anger the fucking saber-toothed cat. It’s not exactly useful to obsess about it.

All of us invariably carry tremendous amounts of trauma. The psyche doesn’t exactly differentiate between the saber-toothed cats and mean people. Whatever hurts us – leaves a scar. And unlike physical scars – psychological are invisible – and yet of massive influence on life.


Entire content of our minds is nothing but limitations. Every truth is intrinsically a limitation. If “A” equals 5 then it’s doesn’t equal 7. To learn that the swans are white is to never find a black swan. If all swans are white then there are no black swans, by definition. With learning “the truth” about swans being white – the world becomes lessened permanently, bereaved of the red swans and the pink swans and the black swans and what have you.

At the heart of this massive database – there’s the identity. How much lighter would our minds be if it wasn’t for all the deductions all the conclusions all the ideas all the beliefs – revolving around the self? For some of us it seems there really would be nothing left. There’s not an insight entering the mind which is not already poisoned by the past conclusions.


Should I say again that beliefs are limiting?

All beliefs are limiting beliefs. They are different to truth in that they aren’t even real. How many of your beliefs are true? I can assure you – no more then 1%. Majority of your beliefs pertain to your SELF. ALL of them are wrong. There is not a single truth about the self, because the self doesn’t even exist. You can do ANYTHING with the self – because it’s all imagined anyway. All your limiting beliefs are void.


…and then, at the heart of it all – there is the identity. Identity which invariably emerges with the rest of the mind – and then keeps it all together.

It’s time to say it:



Identity is the ultimate limitation.

You can swap some of your beliefs and ideas for new ones. But your identity?

You are really really attached to your beliefs, yes. But you’re attached to your identity so much more. And so many of your beliefs are inextricably linked with your identity. Some of them you’ll never budge.

Not unless you budge yourself.


Identity is the ultimate limitation.

It’s the ultimate collections of what you can do and can’t do. Of what you deserve and don’t deserve. Of what is good for you and what is not.

Not an element of truth in it. Not a glimpse.

I say it again: every belief about the self is void. It’s all a construct. You “being successful” – construct. You “making it” – construct. Even you “being happy” – construct. Unless it pertains to a physical truth – it is void.

And all tangible, physical truth, all end up inside, through perception, in the realm of psyche. There is not a state not a feeling which cannot be replicated. In essence – there is not an outside physical reality which cannot be brought about inside. We went from running away from the saber-tooted cats to running away from the deadlines in our job. Do you think the experience is so much different?


Identity is the ultimate limitation.

Can you see without looking?

Will you see an opportunity when your ideas your beliefs your IDENTITY obscures your vision? When all you can see, all you can hear, is the next thought, next conclusion, next iteration of the same mindly narrative?

Obviously you can’t.


Identity is the ultimate limitation.

The more you are attached to yourself, the more you think of yourself, the more seriously you take yourself – the more will actual LIFE elude you.

You will become an island into itself — separated from the rest of the world, the lone inhabitant of the one island of you, and not the world.


Identity is the ultimate limitation.

Think less of you. Worry less of you. Laugh more at you.

EXPLORE LIFE — out of curiosity. Cherish this child-like curiosity.

Fell in love with the life and not yourself.

Fell in love with the action and not it’s remnants.

Identity is the ultimate limitation.